Yakuza Creator gives tips to try something new

The creator of the Yakuza series says it may be time for the development team to try something completely new, after so many years dedicated to the franchise. In an interview, Ryu Ga Gotoku director Toshihiro Nagoshi talks about his hopes of letting his team stretch their development muscles.

“The Ryu Ga Gotoku team members, they just really worked on the Yakuza series,” Nagoshi told Game Informer. ‘But I think it would be a waste if these talented team members we have could not make full use of all their skills. It can challenge themselves, create something of a completely different genre and a different style. We do not know yet, but it is something we are really considering now for the growth of our team as a whole. “

Ryu Ga Gotoku has ventured into new genres in the Yakuza universe – exploring the other side of crime dramas with Judgment and turning his latest Yakuza game, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, into a turn-based RPG. But it does sound as if the team wants to venture even further from its comfort zone.

The Yakuza range has been in development for over 15 years and has only relatively recently achieved more mainstream success in the West. Most of the series focuses on the life of yakuza Kazuma Kiryu, while Like a Dragon has introduced a brand new protagonist, Ichiban Kasuga. Like a dragon scored a 9/10 in GameSpot’s review.

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