Yadhira Carrillo brought flowers to her day at the Valentine’s Day

Since the origin of Yadhira Carrillo ingresó al Reclusorio Norte para enfrentan un legal trial par el que ha privat de la libertad hace un ano, la actress de lo visita sin falta tod fines de semana y este no podía ser ex exceptional pues se celebraba une feca mui speci par ellos, el San Valentine’s Day. Demonstrating that his love is a testament to everything, Yadhira arrives at the Penitentiary Center with a rose frame and a special comedy to celebrate with his wife the Day of the Enormous, a date in which he always shares: “Juan has always liked the part of the ternura and the cariño and this type of detail”, commented the actress in an interview with various media through communication, as the report El Universal.

Yadhira Carrillo and Juan ColladoVER GALLERY


About the theme of comedy surging the love between her and her husband, Yadhira recorded: “It costs a lot of work, the world is what good, so I need to be. Fueron comes seis meses, yo establisha grabando y me decía ‘te invito a desayunar ”, although the lawyer insists, even if a time passes for Yadhira to join: “I have one of my salimos to cenar and fue muy lindo, fue un mes de salir todos los días, siempre un caballero, muy respetuoso, iba y me dejaba a mi departamento”, account. Yadhira recognizes that both are very romantic and that the record is always the same: “Always the express and more here adentro, cariño, mucho apoyo. I love you, everything is fine ”.

Yadhira Carrillo and Juan ColladoVER GALLERY

Actress the account to the press that prepared for this San Valentine: “The hice of his favorite comedy, the trajectory of his comedy of the world, Spanish fabada, croquita de jamón serrano, anoche estuvimos cocinando, unas albondigas de rébalo. I like the case committee, Juan is very quiet ”. The actress recounted that her husband is the one who cares most about her: “Now he is alive and there is a man very much enthralled by the love of his wife, his family, I still find him religiously close to God”, narro. The actress was questioned about the legal situation of her husband who hopes to recover very soon: “If justice exists”.

The time his wife spent in prison he served to appreciate his family, according to Yadhira: “He has been very positive because he is teaching much. Juan me ha dicho, ‘sí yo antes te valoraba, ahora te valoro más, ahora valoro lo que es star en casa, dentro de casa contigo, no trabajar todo el tiempo’, porque siempre fue un hombre muy responsable, siempre trabajando. Dice, ‘what is important is to be at home, who is to be at home, not to be wanted’ ‘, commented the actress, who admits that his wife is a very hard worker who invests a lot of time in her work as a lawyer.

Yadhira CarrilloVER GALLERY

Yadhira always imagined passing by some asi

The actress recounted that neither she, nor her husband imagined that she would be in a situation as difficult as she would be separated: “It’s very hard to be in this place and more when you see the hopeful experiences, when there are no markets, but there are all who always learn all the days, from the good and the poor to God”, account. The actress was also questioned about the dad’s sensitive fallout from Leticia Calderón, mother of the lesser ones of her husband, with much respect, responds: “I am with her, who can recover the most quickly, even though she can never recover”, comment, making reference to the death of his father: “My papito ya se fue”, dijo.
