Xolos 3-2 Toluca; Tijuana quita el invicto y liderato al Diablo

Mexico City /

Determine goals and 24 minutes, Tijuana tuvo un primer tiempo de ensueño ante Toluca, to whom in addition is no alcanzo to find empathy and is with a dolorosa derrota 3-2.

A los Diablos they quarrel the invicto and their leadership, ya que se quedan con siete unidades y Xolos the great with eight; sin embargo, los de la frontera corren riesgo de perder la cima esta jornada si Santos le gana al America.

Xolos tuvo uninicio de partis avasallador, aprovecho par completé la dabilidad de la zaga mexiquense para que colombiano Mauro Manotas mark his first goal in Mexican football, in a toy a balloon paraded where only two that fill the balloon to the bottom of the speeches to 13 ‘.

The front fronts follow the ties of the saw and Fidel Martinez is present in the marker with the second part of the game at 21 ‘.

Después, Miguel Sansores llegó con el tercero en la frente de los choriceros en el 24 ‘.

What appears to be a party for those of Pablo Guede get empazó to pay when Jonathan Orozco equilibrates in the saliva y Pedro Canelo from three quarters of a can to record distances and practice practically every second time to search the milagro.

The time can be the ally of the Diablos with the goal of Miguel Baribieri para llevar la ley del ex y hacer el segundo al 53 ‘.

Toluca tuvo practically all the second time to find out the tune of the igualada and the only opportunity that tuvieron had in the last game of the party and the desaprovechó Kevin Castañeda.
