Xbox, EA CEO Peter Moore rejoins the wildlife industry at Unity

Former Xbox and EA CEO Peter Moore has revealed that he has rejoined the gaming industry and is taking a position at Unity. Twitter that he will join the game engine development company Unity as its senior vice president and general manager of Sports & Live Entertainment.

Moore first worked at SEGA during the Dreamcast era and acted as president of Sega of America. He then moved to Microsoft in the early 2000s to work on the original Xbox, which is known for a tattoo of the Halo 2 logo and the release date at E3 2004.

In 2007, Moore left Microsoft to head the sports division at Electronic Arts. Moore left matches in 2017, and after a time as CEO of his hometown football club Liverpool FC, he returned to work at Unity.In his tweet, Moore notes that he is: “Rejoicing to be reunited with so many industry friends as we work on some amazing things. More to come …”

For more information on Peter Moore, check out our interview with Moore about his career as part of IGN’s Unfiltered series. It’s also worth watching Moore’s appearance in our episode of Podcast Unlocked, where we brought together Xbox bosses in the past and present for a talk on the history of Microsoft’s consoles.

Jordan Oloman is a freelance writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.
