Xavier Ortiz appears at his house

Luego de dar a conocer que el pequeño Xavi continuous in therapy to extend the repentina lost of his dad, the actor Xavier Ortiz (qepd), Carissa de León y su hijo work exclusively for the ‘Ventaneando’ program, where the nine compartments and a su papa y platica con él.

Xavi, who hecho acaba to complete 9 years of edad, expresses that a veces ve a su papá frente a él, plane tree much and inclusive, some will sleep with him. Además, le ha mandó algunos messages to Carissa, in that it assures that it mandates congratulations on completions and Navidad.

Ante surprising declarations, the vow of the tambiant cantante and integrante of Garibaldi, informs that this success is relatively new and will be treated in the next citation of his primogenesis with the therapist.

Xavi counts the details.

And although Carissa does not know who to turn to, the expert will turn to the supervisors appearances of history, which was released in September of this year, is quiet because the little Xavi is present with his dad and is full of love.

If you are tired.

Finally, Carissa de León confirms that the family of the actor in question commands all the necessary documentation to cover the money that Xavier Ortiz made in the United States, and that it is for the little one Xavi.

The Xavier family has support.
