WWE. Rey Mysterio is shooting the Big Show: I’m in hospital and I’m sick

Mexico City /

“A Nine” in the Land of Giants “, as Rey Mysterio has claimed to forge his legend in WWE pese a la abrumadora disventaja fisica que en manyas oasiones le ha provocado scars, but they have many colors as the opposite Big Show in 2003, all by the small precaution of the giant of the agreed.

El Amo del 619 fue a Dar al hospitaal por un golpe a la cabeza provoked by The greatest athlete in the world, quien le arrojó contra uno de los postes del cuadrilátero y le dejó caer de cara when the mexican peque no podium meters the manos to be subject to a camilla.

“Aquella lucha con Big Show había terminado ya mí me iban a sacar en camilla. With what I did not know was that he was regressing, I loaded up with the camilla, I was in love with her. Me levantó y es como si hubiera hecho un swing de beisbol, así I adventured against the post of the ring and the caer, my cabeza felt like exploding, no pude meter las manos “, aseguró en el podcast Not about wrestling.

If the first instance is what the attention is given to Mystery shock against the post attached to a camilla, lo preoccupante fue la caída, especially if we consider the difference in sizes between the San Diego (1.68 metros) and the giant of 2.13 metros.

Also check out the mandó al hospital, fue de las peores noches de mi vida por el dolor. Is the Big Show feeling bad? Nee lo creo, jamás siquiera my ofreció una disculpa o me llamó“But it’s created in the world of the free light, in the world of giants and golfers as they appear to be chic of secondary”, added.

Rey Mysterio, reading of Big Show

The lucha mentioned by the legendary unveiled sued at the event 2003 setback, in which Big Show lo derrotó with a giant Chokeslam.
