Wuhan intends to kill one another when the heroes kill the horror

Wuhan, the great Chinese town that lives in the moonlight by surprise and confinement, has been the first to suffer from the virus that has been known around the world, trying to recover its life with much precaution, between hereditary que tardarán tiempo en superarse.

In the month of the month of January 23, 2020, this city of 11 million residents will be completely closed, with its accesses closed, desolate calls and the people killed in their homes, in the middle of poverty by which se sabía bien poco.

In the first moments of the Islamic inadequacy, some would like to be able to buy comedy in the little ones that will keep them open, but for the time being they too will be trapped and their movement will disappear during the week.

Read the most terrible days: the hospitals are multiplying and the hospitals, without media or staff enough to fight against a virus that is known to be present, do not have to go to all the cities that are most vulnerable.

Many eran devueltos a casa sin un diagnostico claro y algunos murieron allí sin saber siquiera de qué, o sufrieron solos y en silencio la enfermedad, sin apenas informaber sobre su alcance o sus eventuales secuelas.


The city’s downfall and the failure of the city to prevent the mayor’s preoccupation with these first weeks, according to the testimonies received by Efe, are ten days between citizens’ lives.

In the first compasses, with the tithes of food supply and all the world confined, the authorities today have not been able to organize the enormous logistical operation of food distribution in each home of the city by which many people recover the hamber.

Además, eran los primeros en enfrentarse a uneu virus vir se cebó con ellos, sin apenas experiencecias previas más que la del Syndrome Respiratorio Agudo y Grave (SARS), otra enfermedad causada también por un coronavirus que habia afecteau a China en 2013.

“People have no information, I do not know exactly how the virus can be counteracted and it has generated a lot of attention”, explains psychologist Li Geng, who works voluntarily during the confinement with the wuhanes.

“It’s how to teach something invisible and unpredictable, we do not know if we understand our children to contact all or if we should pay home”, affirms Yu Xingwen, a young medical student who passed on the confinement to his family the miles of towers of life that wuhan people.

Meanwhile, the covid, the other problem, explains the psychologist Li: “tenien miedo a la muerte oa las secuelas que podium dejar enfermedad, desconocidas entonces, algunas todavía ahora”.

When one is admitted to a hospital, at least with the company of the sanitary staff and the trust of staff in professional manners, but when it is only in case or -in the majority of cases- with families, some are extra convene a warning alert.


“My father was alone in his house, he was not guilty, he did not go to the hospitals and every day he came to see a doctor, he was sent to attend to be mayor and could not be seen”, related to Efe Wei Douyong (fiction number ), of 45 years, one of the few people who will come to detail the supremacy of those terrible days.

Wei’s mother has failed two years and his father, 78 years old, lives alone in a Wuhan apartment, although he has been looking for an alternative housing solution for months.

These terrible moments will last for a week, the time when China will be building the Huoshenshan Campaign Hospital, one of those that will be recorded in time in the city with prefabricated modules to cover the failure of hospital beds.

On February 2, when the construction of Huoshenshan, the Ejército chino and the transport of Wuhan’s medical equipment and personnel for its next day, will end on Tuesday.

There are several medical and sanitary facilities for various Chinese provinces, as well as protective equipment, mascarillas and medical supplies needed by medical staff, which are working hard to get rid of, including for failure in service.

The psychologist told us that when the confinement took place, on April 8, some doctors and nurses would be able to record the terrible moments that he lived.

“It is habitual in a traumatic situation. Verkies does not record and mirage for adelante in order to get behind”, explains.

Solo hale falta charlar un rato con rualquiera en las calles de Wuhan para palgo algo parecido: la mayorie de la gente no quiere hablar y la que accede pas en ensiguida par encima de los recoerdos para de takar lo “bien que esta ahora la ciudad” que la most mayor considers “the most secure of the world”.

And if there is one more category of psychological supremacy, dice Li: the one who passes the nursed and is curaron per temen ser rechazados, that the people do not accept the spoon to always the stigma of the covid.

“We treat many cases of them during the quarantine, but also when and including some time, there is a persistent preoccupation,” said the psychotherapist.


From the 8th of April, Wuhan has been renouncing little by little and now he wants to have a normal home life, with a cultural and nocturnal life animation, although he has quite the mascara and the precaution is palpable at every moment and every conversation.

Quedan muchas heridas todavía por cicatrizar y la capital de Hubei aún está lejos de ser la misma que antes.

With all, many wuhaneses salieron hoy, pese al cielo encapotado, a curiosear por las commerciales o pasear por sus hermosas fluasialas junto al río Yangtsé, donde se veían también pescadores con caña.

Zou Liang, a 40-year-old Japanese designer who works in the Municipal Urban Department, is involved in this quarrel – when the 5-degree marker thermometers are collected in the Yangtsé water holidays and approached in parallel to the long orilla media hora.

“Estuve nadando aqui todos los días duran el confinamiento, burlaba las barreras y los controles para venir, me gusta mucho nadar”, afirma sonriente a Efe nada más salir del agua.

Zou was “happy to see what happened” and did not hesitate to say that the virus “could fly to Wuhan”, points to the current rebrotes in the north of the country, the peors of March 2020.

“China is very prepared and they are combining very well”, Dice, Antes to Despair and Zambullirse New in the Waters of the Asian Colosseum.
