World leaders terrified by US Capitol storm

Leaders around the world have condemned the storms of the US Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump on Wednesday and expressed their shock at the chaos taking place in a country they once trusted for global leadership.

“Scandalous scenes in the US Congress,” tweeted British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a strong ally of the United States for generations. “The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now important that there is a peaceful and orderly transfer. of force. ”

Other allies were equally appalled at what they described as an attack on American democracy, although some said they believed American democratic institutions would resist the unrest. Some leaders singled out Trump for harsh criticism.

“Trump and his supporters must finally accept the decision of American voters and stop trampling on democracy,” German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas wrote on Twitter. “Out of angry words come violent acts.” He added that “contempt for democratic institutions has disastrous consequences.”

“The beauty of democracy?” with a shoulder emoji was the reaction tweeted by Bashir Ahmad, a personal assistant to the President of Nigeria, who has seen several coups since independence – including one led decades ago by President Muhammadu Buhari, who recently entered the office by a vote.

Chilean President Sebastián Piñera and Colombian President Iván Duque were among those in Latin America who denounced the protesters, but both also said they were confident that American democracy and the rule of law would prevail.

“In this sad episode in the USA, supporters of fascism have shown their true face: anti-democratic and aggressive,” tweeted Luis Roberto Barroso, the Brazilian Supreme Court judge and head of the country’s election court. He said he hoped American society and institutions would respond vigorously to this threat to democracy. ‘

Venezuela, which is under U.S. sanctions, said the events in Washington show the U.S. “suffering from what it has generated in other countries with its policy of aggression.”

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has survived opposition efforts to oust him despite allegations of human rights abuses, civil unrest and a humanitarian crisis that has forced millions to flee the oil-rich country.

In Puerto Rico, many people took to social media and joked that American territory no longer wanted state capture. According to them, for the first time in decades, independence seemed attractive.

In fact, it was the pursuit of independence that was one of the last times the U.S. Congress was violently stormed. Four members of Puerto Rico’s Nationalist Party opened fire on the House floor in March 1954, wounding five lawmakers.

Italians watched the events with shock because they always regarded the USA as the model of democracy and the country that saved Italy after its fascist descent during World War II.

“This is the widely expected outcome of Trumpism,” tweeted a retired Italian center-left politician, Pierluigi Castagnetti. “And unfortunately it does not end today. When politics is replaced by deception and fanaticism of the people, the power is inevitable. ”

European Parliament President David Sassoli, who is leading one of the largest legislators in the world, also exposed the scenes on the Capitol. The European Union has spent four cute years with the Trump administration, and its top officials have repeatedly said they are looking forward to a better relationship under President-elect Joe Biden.

“It’s an uprising. Nothing less. In Washington, ”tweeted Carl Bildt, a former Swedish prime minister.

Turkey, a NATO ally that has sometimes clashed with Washington, has expressed concern over the images of angry Trump supporters trying to thwart Biden’s certification as the new president. The chaos led to legislators being rushed out of the building.

A statement from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged all parties in the United States to use “moderation and common sense”.

“We believe that the United States will overcome this domestic political crisis with maturity,” the ministry said.

The ministry statement said Turkish citizens in the United States were also urged to stay away from crowds and demonstrations.

Trump made a restrained call for peace after the disappointment went on, but did not immediately ask supporters to part ways. Later, he encouraged them to go home and called them ‘very special people’.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country was “deeply upset” by the events in the United States, Canada’s closest ally and neighbor.

“Violence will never succeed in dominating the will of the people. Democracy in the US must be maintained – and it will be,” Trudeau tweeted.

Volkan Bozkir, president of the 193-member United Nations General Assembly, said he was saddened by the developments. But, he tweeted: ″ I believe that peace and respect for democratic processes will prevail in this critical time in our host country. ‘

Polish President Andrzej Duda, who has twice visited Trump in the White House and hosted him in Poland, said on Twitter that his country “has full confidence in the power of American democracy”.

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