World Hours Shift, Will Be – People – Culture

The change of schedule is a normality in various countries. Colombia never waits for its location on the Ecuador line, thanks to these tenem cambios market stations. Prohibition of probes; Approximately 70 countries have ten changeover times for these times, adjusting to the vernacular, if they are in the northern hemisphere, or in winter, if they are in the northern hemisphere.

Aquellas nations like United States, Mexico or all of Europe, which are in the northern hemisphere, tendrann that adelantar su reloj una hora por estas fechas, and when October and November are reached, the maximum amount of time will be added.

In the case of the lands in the hemisphere sur, like Paraguay, Chile and Australia, regressarán su reloj una hora and will return to their actual schedule for the finals of this year.

Optimizing energy use is the main motive of these media, although in various territories he is derogated. Every year, for these cases, there is a debate about whether it is practical and functional or not.

We move the cambios to the length of history in different continents.

United States

The stadiums this year tend to adjust their relays Sunday, March 14, with the exception of women standing in Hawaii, part of Arizona or the territories of Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa, que no cambian de hora.

Until November 7, 2021, Verano’s schedule will change. The cambio in EE. UU. was conceived by Benjamin Franklin, in 1784, and has had alterations from that age.

In 1919, for example, this adjusted schedule was derogated, although it was completely reconciled with some areas of the country.

Looking for the synchronization in the clocks of the world was created, in 1966, the Ley del Horario Uniforme, the cual establishment as initiated by verano the last domination of April and as the end of the last domino of october, for the tenien countries the freedom of abstinence to participate.

During the energy crisis, which took place in 1974 and 1975, the Congress extended its time schedule to increase energy.

A new adjustment in the schedules was made between 1986 and 2006, stating that the adjustment will take place on the first day of April and will end on the last day of October.

However, all changes with the George W. Bush Energy Policy Law, in 2007. Since that year, in the United States will begin the second Sunday of March and end the first Sunday of November.


For Mexicans, the time of the delay will be one more day. The timetable of this year will start this year Sunday, April 4th, at 2 am, exactly. This is not the case with the extreme states as far north as the country: Quintana Roo and Sonora.

In the case of residents in frontier states with the United States, their time will change at the same time as in the world power: being more clear, the second will be March. The timetable for vernacular will end in Mexico on October 31st.


Only the countries of this region implement the medium. Quienes viven of Chile and Paraguay deberán atrasar a time to watch the medianche of domingo March 28. In this instant his winter schedule will begin.

Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil have historically, without embarrassment, intent on doing so.


The European Commission proposes to eliminate the change of timetable in 2018, however, the media is vigilant. For this reason, women in France or in other countries of the European Union tend to adhere to their clocks one hour Sunday, March 28 at 2 p.m.
The verona timetable in this continent will be until the 31st of October, when a timetable will be added.

Central America

No Central American country has just received its relays in its territories. What I want to say is that in Guatemala, Belice, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica or Panama, there is no tendency to adjust its clocks.

