World Champion is offered to Real Madrid to replace Jovic … for only five million euros! – Diez

The regression of Luka Jovic al Eintracht de Frankfurt has provoked that different options appear on the horizon of Real Madrid as alternatives to his attack, with appearances in the second middle of the time.

Asi marches el Madrid in the table of positions of Spain

Mariano Díaz could have more possibilities to relate to Benzema, pero desde Inglaterra surgen noticias del delantero que ha sido overricde al conjunct merengue y que podría ser del agrado de Zidane. Además seri casi regalado.

In an information that recoil Diario Marca of the portal Soccer.London, is treated by the French Oliver Giroud, veterano ariete del Chelsea that does not have time to make a move as a title with Lampard, but he has a good yield every time he has minutes.

The world champion register is this new campaign in 17 appearances. Nothing bad for a ‘9’ who enters always from the bench (only has side titles in six games and marks a goal every 69 minutes).

Eintracht’s burla del Real Madrid is Jovic’s double

The same thing happened to an intermediary who gave the alternative to Real Madrid to be able to make a change of only 5 million euros. Through the offer, there is hope for the final answer of the whites.

Oliver, 34 years old, has a crucial piece for trainers like Antonio Conte y Maurizio Sarrio. Now with Lampard has lost protagonism, but has always demonstrated that it is ready to be held.

The design in Italy

Cabe mentions that the Inter has shown interest in Giroud from the past verano market, pues Conte consider a refusal of guarantees and immediate repayment.

The delantero acaba contracted with the Chelsea in June of this year and will be with good air exchange in this universal market.
