Workers in health care in Chile denounce a “pandemic aggression” on the part of relatives and patients with COVID-19

The latest aggression registered in the Hospital Van Buren located in Valparaíso
The latest aggression registered in the Hospital Van Buren located in Valparaíso

The medical and assistance staff in the health centers of Chile are announcing a “pandemic aggression” on the part of COVID-19 nurses and their families, accredited in these days debited to the saturation of hospitals by consequence of the force such as contagios and cases grave in the country.

The passing moon one Unexpected situation is seen inside the Van Buren Hospital located in Valparaíso, city cost 120 kilometers from Santiago. In this establishment of health a man of fire transferred to the rehab room for being unconscious parent, but to be supported by the clinical staff “The person incorporates and starts to grit and aggravate the staff”, according to the company statement by the director of the recent.

“The individual who accompanies him to the acts of violence, holding the windows of the reception, launching a row of windows to the officers and burning other windows, arranging with the same glass trousers and a towel for the presents”. At the same hospital, the “reasons for the reaction” were announced and it was announced that he would return to justice during the attack.

From the beginning of the pandemic, the medical teams he passed to be more necessary and detached than ever. In Chile, the definition of “first line” of salvation for serious patients and critics of all kinds, assumes only the health of patients, if not including emotionally supporting relatives and neighbors in moments of prognostic difficulty.

Familiar with the notice of the fallecimiento of the known of COVID-19 reactionary airados and golpean and funcionarios de la salud

For the previous one, af Chile el trabajo de los equipos de salud ha sido bien percibido. An inquiry carried out by the company Ipsos and the University of Andrés Bello, last October, reflect that the Chilean society gives 5.1 to the professionals and technicians of health, and gives them a 45% response for his “work of excellence”, thus confirming the importance of these.

Without embarrassment, being on the first line of sanitation has not been easy, and even before the outbreak of the pandemic. According to the Ministry of Health, in 2019 there will be 1,274 aggressions against this personnel in Chile, so there will be 3 daily attacks in a concretion concreted by families or patients that pierden the tranquilidad front to a procedure.

The cases are suman. During this year, relatives of a coronavirus infected with El Pino Hospital of the municipality of San Bernardo, in Santiago, to destroy the zone of emergencies. For what reason? In addition, the health staff denied the possibility of changing clothes to the victim., which generated the rabies of the group.

The reaction of the attackers provoked the protest of the health officials, women paralyze their functions and only attend ethical turns.

Health officials say they have protested against the aggression of those who were injured in the last days.

To Gabriela Flores, President of the National Confederation of Municipal Health (Confusam), The aggressions being carried out because national emergence has provoked a “pandemic aggression” in the community. The functionary created that “the people do not control their emotions”, and that they do not expect intermediaries, the people provoke “groceries, facilities and infrastructure destruction”.

Violence cases caused by health workers and escalated into dangerous situations, in some cases involving armed attacks against him. In the locality of Tire, in southern Chile, the 26th of January 5 health workers were attacked by Armored personnel carriers and vestments with military routes, which intercept the truck of the officers.

In this opportunity, 4 employees will result in “Less serious injuries and life, without vital compromise”.

To Vanessa Venegas, Vice-President of the National Confederation of University Professionals of Health Services (Fenpruss), the “preoccupation” that health officials are developing their “ante bajas medidas de seguridad” functions. Moreover, Venegas aggregates that the aggression against the sanitary workers “is more common than what is created”.

Otra of the aggressive aggression in Chilean hospitals, this time in the city of La Serena

In the city of La Serena there was another aggression that impacted the country. This time, a medicine was approved by a subject who accompanies a female heir to one of his men, which is controlled and approved by staff. The previous provocation was that the Medical College of Chile presented a quarrel against the attacker and responded to the attacking officer.

Ley que castiga a los agresores

Debated in the high cases of violence, 2019 is approved and enters into force the “Ley Consultorio Seguro”, which increases the sanctions for persons who agree to public officials in the exercise of their functions.

La ley fue approved on November 19, 2019 and establishes the mandatory information the best typical of attacks and guarantee access to the legal defense of aggressive workers of aggression.

Concerning the sanctions, the law establishes the application of money that can be made to the mayoral presidency in its mediocre grade (from 10 years and one day to 15 years) or the maximum presidency (from 541 days to five years), if the official present sick or incapacitated for work for more than three days.


Fury in a Chilean hospital: family members of a failure by COVID-19 destroy the facilities because they are not allowed to retire
