Wonder Woman 1984 falls too rotten on rotten tomatoes

Wonder Woman 1984 was officially marked ‘rotten’ on the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer after a fairly divisive release during the holidays.

As DC’s film university continues to hang in the balance, the alleged certainty has hit Wonder Woman 1984 fell into the dreaded “rotten” classification on Rotten Tomatoes. Its predecessor was by far the best-received DCEU film released in 2017 and helped pull DC films out of the dark hole they had dug for themselves. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, WW84 was simultaneously dropped on HBO Max, along with the still successful (even if only by 2020 standards) theatrical release.

Unfortunately for DC, the heaps of praise Wonder Woman received did not return for the sequel. Amid the turmoil of Warner Media’s widespread decision to release their entire 2021 page on HBO Max simultaneously with a theatrical debut (the short version is very theatrically related bonuses are unlikely to be earned) and the ongoing saga of Warner Bros. . vs. Ray Fisher, drivers probably hoped Wonder Woman 1984 would just be an easy slam dunk for them. Things did not work out that way, and although many people watched the movie, it seemed like only a little over half liked it.

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Related: Would Wonder Woman 1984 have been so divisive with a theatrical release

The Rotten tomatoes score, which collects reviews to give a general consensus on the critical success of a film, works according to an approval rating that films are considered fresh or rotten. After you start certified fresh, Wonder Woman 1984 has just rotted, meaning less than 60% of critics generally like the film. That said, details show that the average score was 6.1 / 10.

Wonder Woman 1984 Rotten Tomatoes Rotten Score

Does this mean Wonder Woman 1984 is bad? No not really; it technically means that it is about average. The reviews generally suggest that the film is just fine, but a decent portion is split between big praise and low beats. The most common problem with WW84 is that the writing is messy and that it is sugar coated. The biggest difference between this film and its predecessor, apart from the common questions about making a sequel, is how directly director Patty Jenkins was involved in the development of the story, and how much power she had to bring specific things into it. close what she clearly wanted.

This does not necessarily mean that Jenkins is personally responsible for the shortfall that is missing, much less solely responsible. Nor does it mean that the only problem with the film is the writing of it. However, the vast majority of complaints about the film relate to its writing and structure. For example, the often cartoonish tone, the bizarre MacGuffin of the Dreamstone, the inconsistent fluctuation of Diana’s fleeting forces and certainly the disturbing logistics of Steve Trevor’s return. The list goes on and on, apart from cartoon action slides, almost every negative review of a critic revolves around the messy writing. Wonder Woman 1984 is not necessarily a bad movie, and it had some great shoes to fill in, but the almighty Tomatometer spoke, and it did not have very nice things to say.

Next: Fixing Wonder Woman 1984’s Steve Trevor Story

Source: Rotten Tomatoes

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