Women are affected and women do not have the front cover extension | Univision Immigration News

The last day of the year 2020 President Donald Trump extended the next 90 days a series of restrictions on legal immigration and visa programs that allow foreign workers to enter and work in the territory of the United States.

The original order was issued on April 22 of this year as part of the governmental media to contain and combat coronavirus propagation, which has infected more than 20 million people in the United States and killed more than 351,000 individuals. .

Agreed with the proclamation, the closure of the frontiers with Mexico and Canada will last until March 31, and will be extended for another period similar to the same period.

If the media were to be restored as part of the efforts to eradicate the contagios by covid-19, the proclamation signaled that the suspension of immigrant immigrants should be carried out and that “there is a risk for the United States labor market during the recovery” .

Trump signaled in the order of December 31 that, according to information from the Department of Labor (DOL) and National Security (DHS), the admission of workers within various categories of visas for non-immigrants also represents a risk of deploy and favor the economic workers during the economic recovery that followed
broth of COVID-19 ”.

The mandate also says that if the number of employees has gone downhill in the last months, many states will not be able to recover their employees and the governor will have no protection.

These are the key points of the front of the frontier:

