Wolves. How does Raúl Jiménez motivate himself during his rehabilitation? VIDEO

Mexico City /

At the most complicated time there is no better way to get to the basics. I love you Raúl Jiménez, how high are the layers of the canches by one crane fracture which obliges him to be operated on; without embarrassment, the delusion of the wolwe record his origins in football, with the end of recovering strengths and inspiring for his future regress to the competencies.

“Since then, there has been an obsession with football. Vivía in a house with a good garden, en dit bekoor my acuerdo que tenía mi uniforme de Jorge Campos. Remember that salia with my friends played on the floor, and had all the days spent at the house. All my life is always with a pelota “, remembers the Mexican in an interview produced by Goal.com in EA Sports.

To him, if he is present, the one implies that recently converted to father, a situation that motivates him to become a Christian in his profession as a footballer.

Ahora tengo una vida muy solida con mi pareja e hija (Arya), y eso me llena de orgullo: saber que ellas están apoyándome para yo seguir dando el máximo “, explica.

No obstacle, Jimenez has made it clear that in football there are good and bad moments, even though you have to sort to continue to ascend: “A pesar de fallar una aktion, always say that there is an opportunity more adelante; it’s not important to be a goal scorer, but it’s the most important to play in a team, ”he said.

No olvida sus orígenes

Raúl Jiménez is sorry to hear that there is a referendum on this topic, Tepeji, please clarify that there are many dependents on their actions in the Premier League.

There have always been United States in Tepeji, except for the one in the 12th and all the six in the month, it’s very good Yo creo that in all Mexico the football is the sport that lives most “, dijo.
