With the return of El Guitarreño to Wapa | Scenario

Alfonso Alemán, known for his El Guitarreño character, will return to Wapa TV on the 15th of February, three months after the release of his deep-seated pantyhose, from which he appeared to have recovered milagrosa ”.

Germany’s reincorporation into the station will be preceded by a series of four reports in the wake of its accident, treatment and recovery, which were transmitted by Wapa and Wapa America.

The notable packages include interviews with experts and families who assist in their rehabilitation process. The periodical Yesenia Torres conversed with the retinologist and circus Dr. Andrés Emmanuelli, who will lead the treatment. Also, with the Dra. Paola Rebollo, ophthalmologist at the Recinto de Ciencias Médicas, who was in charge of the emergency department. For his part, Jorge Gelpí Pagán interviewed Dr. Andrés Manatou, his doctor of cabecera and who, to his dismay, was immediately informed of the experts in visual health.

While the periodical Celimar Adames will present the familiar impact of this success. Interview with his wife Margie, as well as the executive producers of Mediocre Gilda Santini and Sunshine Logroño, will watch the television to know in detail what is happening, how to manage emergence and impressions. In the same way, information will be provided on the recovery process and the steps taken to treat it as an antidote to its regression to the pledge.

The series starts with jewels, continues the fires and extends to the Notice Center of Semana.
