With the crazy men of Puerto Rico without their big men | Deport

Before the onslaught of some of its great men, the national team selection of ballooning tends to play with what hay.

Here is the reconnaissance of the captain and armor of the Borough junta, José Juan Barea, who will ensure that he will start quickly to intend to sell airos in his debut this year in the third and final waiting classifier at the AmeriCup 2022, in the bureau of the Coliseo Roberto , of San Juan.

Puerto Rico will not meet Porge Jorge Brian Díaz for personal reasons; and the delinquent Isaiah Piñeiro, who could not travel to the island due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic in Latvia, will play with the club VEF Riga.

“We have to play with what we have. The balancesto also exchanged a little. Keep in mind that you can play faster and play opener. Big men want to have an extra effort to fight big men from other teams, ”Barea said during a conversation with the media, accompanied by Shabazz Napier.

The Mayagüezano canaster is integrated into the team the domestic court proceedings of Madrid, Spain, are being held with the Movistar Students club.

And since that legacy, Barea has seen “very well” in the Borough joint leadership of Eddie Casiano.

“Everything is in shape today. We have a good group. The practices are very good. We have everything: from designers; good stations, as always; and great men that, although we have a small bait, are the most durable that play and get used to ”, dijo.

“We want to play a fast game with a lot of ‘pick and roll’ and open the song. I believe that if we play our game, we will play well, ”said Barea.

Puerto Rico is playing its four fronts in Mexico, and is being held in the Bahamas, as part of Group D. Ambos’ operations are scheduled for 9:00 pm and will be broadcast by WAPA Sports.

The boricuas need to win to secure their ticket to the AmeriCup 2022 which is classified as the Panama American Games of Lima 2019 and the world events that start in November.

United States – is classified – leads the invincible 4-0 group, followed by Mexico, 2-2, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas, 1-3. The best three of each group advance to the AmeriCup.
