With the British variant circulating, What is the ideal mascara to avoid covid-19 contagion?

La llegada a Ecuador de la british variation of covid-19 has preoccupied himself with medical personnel in the country as a general citizen.

Although the first dose of the Pfizer vacuum means a level for first-line health workers, the epidemic followed by one of its most difficult moments in some localities of the country.

For this, it is necessary -hore more than never- maintain the practices that during the 2020 evitaron miles of contagious: the use of mascarilla, the constant flow of maneuvers and the respective biosecurity and social distance protocols.

The ideal cubrebocas to avoid contagion

Well, there are many types of mascarillas and hoy por hoy se venden incluso en la calle. Pero, ¿Cuáles son los tapabocas more tools to prevent the infection of coronavirus?

In August 2020, investigators of the Duke University develop a smart and economical optical device that will allow the capacity of a mascara to block the respiratory gout which contagious the covid-19, to make visible medians luz láser and accountants mediante un computer algorithm.

During the assayos of this new device, it is confirmed that when the human habla, expels gothitis, because the coronavirus can be transmitted to hablar, without tossing or disruption, according to the doctor Eric Westman and the physical and the chemical Martin Fischer, coauthor of this investigation.

The expert experts with this method that the best facial faces are their mascarillas N95, without válvulas, of hospital degree, which utilizes the medical attention workers, and that the chiropractic mascarillas or the polypropylene also work well to block them gotitas emissions.

In these essays medical device, which employs lowering technology, compares distinctively available mascarillas habitually and observes that some models offer a yield if you look at the existing surgical mascarillas, while there are some alternative mascarilla versions or very low protection cases.

What about the mascarillas?

In his essays Fischer and Westman confirm that it is technique einfachige y de bajo costo proportion a visual test of the effectiveness of las mascarillas to reduce gum emissions during normal use.

On the other hand, the face covers of some hodas have a “proportions of a good coverage, eliminating a sustainable amount of aerosol, es decir, las particles diminutas suspended in the air, produced during normal life ”, says Duke.

What does the OMS say?

The World Health Organization (OMS) new issue recommended about the use of protective mascarillas during the covid-19 pandemic, which among other things disconnects the use of water that tienen válvulas, both between the sanitary staff as in the general population.

In the new guia of recommended it is stated that the user of this type of mascara may exhale and it will not be sufficiently filtered. La OMS following recommended to all sanitary personnel the use of medical mascarillas (Chirofan habitats, for example) in zones with minor aerial contact (by aerosols) and mayor protection (N95, FFP2, FFP3) in mayoral zones riesgo, for example areas of attention to patients with covid-19.

For the general public, in areas of communal transmission of coronavirus, the OMS recommends the use of mascarillas in medicines (for example, the tela) in interior zones such as tithes, offices or schools, can not guarantee a physical distance from at least one metro between the presents. The medical mascarillas are mainly recommended for high-risk groups such as major adults and people with chronic pulmonary diseases, cancer, diabetes or cardiovascular problems, and contexts can not guarantee the physical distance of at least one metro.

Also recommend the use at any time of medical mascarillas in care and other people who share space with pcovid-19 plants are confirmed or confirmed.

The OMS by last do not recommend the use of mascarillas in ninos menores de cinco años, means that in those of you once a year you have to decide on ten distinct factors (transmission of the virus in the community, ability of the nines to power the mascara, social and cultural entourage, etc).

Geen imports the mascara that used, if used poorly, is not protective

But there is no use in it if the city uses the mascarilla: without the narcissist or the savage about it quijada. We also need to make sure that the tapas go directly from their bags to their car; do not need to apply the surface of the mascara with the manes.

No need to do anything to affect the sterilization of the mascara, how to smoke the colocarla about surfaces that are not thought to be for this. For other loads, if using a washable mascara, you have to constantly wash your laundry. No olvide que a mascarilla sucia is a mascarilla incompatible.



Protection media

Map of Infected

