With Deathloop you can take all the time you need for the perfect race

Deathloop, the latest IP from the developers of Dishonored and Prey, may be a game about planning the perfect series of murders, but you will never be put under pressure to do so within a period of time.

Deathloop is described by creative director Dinga Bakaba as a murder mystery, one where you have one day to figure out how to kill eight targets and break the time loop in which you are trapped. With so many ways to take it out, different districts to investigate, and a competitive assassin to dodge, Deathloop gives you the freedom to plan without the stress of countdown.

“So it may be a game over time, but you’re not on a timer,” Babaka explains. “You can invent things at your own pace and in every order want to put together the perfect lust for freedom.”

Bakaba also hints at other features to Deathloop that Arkane has not yet outlined, including some supernatural powers you can retain between runs and the extraterrestrial rifle additions that will contribute to your planned hits. There are also shots in the footage above that suggest that districts may look different at different times during each loop, which may play out how you can figure out the optimal route.

Deathloop launches on May 21 for PlayStation 5 and PC. Although Microsoft is acquiring Arkane through the purchase of Bethesda, there are currently no plans for the game to move to Xbox Series X | S to come.

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