With 33 minutes in Cruz Azul, Eustaquio was sent to the Ferreir Basin

Mexico City /

Cruz Azul sigu deshaciéndose de futbolistas que eran de su propiedad pero que institution in other clubs, as is the case of Portuguese-Canadian Stephen Eustaquio.

The joven mediocampista, who was in the press until 2022 with the Paços de Ferreira, definitely wanted by this Portuguese club, he was informed on his Twitter account.


Eustaquio’s step by La Máquina was pretty disappointing, even though he was now a Canadian selection solo pudo disputar 33 minutes in el futbol mexicano.

His only match took place on the 27th of January 2019 at the Aztec Stadium, a duel in which he entered the cambio and 33 minutes later, the ligaments of a rodilla are broken.

From there, Eustaquio never saw the celestial and celestial body regress to your country to play with the club that has the final form of purchase.
