WIPR celebra trayectoria de Yoyo Boing | Scenario

WIPR reconnaissance of the interrupted trayectory on television, as well as its 63 years of history on Canal 6, of the lullaby Luis Antonio Rivera, known as “Yoyo Boing”.

Luis Antonio Rivera, our “Yoyo Boing”, is a glory of our country, for that matter, on WIPR Radio and also television, we feel very sorry for being part of the history of all these shows. Yoyo is a symbol of the fact that he is an excellent Puerto Rican artist, because he is a privilege to be able to reconnect his trayectoria in these industries. Congratulations Yoyo! Thanks for all the years of elegy and shared culture. Dios te bendiga hoy, mañana y siempre ”, says Roberto“ Boby ”Díaz, vice president of the radio broadcasts of the people of Puerto Rico, Allegro 91.3 and 940 AM.

For his part, Yoyo Boing praised his companions for the reconciliation. “One of the things that I like most about God is the companies that he has actors, actresses and above all the technical department. There are many of them, from the very first to the last, no saldry at all and much people are olvida of them. However, I would like to thank the public that there have always been responses throughout the season, ”said the comedian and locutor.

As part of the homage, the public station developed a commemorative painting, placed in the vestibule of its installations. However, last week, WIPR’s companions celebrated with their number 91, gesturing with increased emotion.

The team revealed was created by the artist, sculptor and agent of the Negotiating Relations with the Community of the Puerto Rico Police General, Nelson Román Álvarez, who studied at the School of Plastic Arts of Puerto Rico.

Yoyo Boing

The Evolution of a Superhero: Yoyo Boing ”is a 5’x5 ‘pop art painted in acrylic that resides Yoyo Boing’s tray directory on radio and television.

The work titled “The Evolution of a Superhero: Yoyo Boing” is a 5’x5 ‘pop art painted in acrylic that resides Yoyo Boing’s tray directories on radio and television featuring iconic moments of his career as his reconciled “Crazy Glue” announcement And his character in the program “My Hippie Encounters Me”, along with Margot Debén, Vicente Vázquez and Rosita Velázquez.

“For me it is an honor and an organ to make an opening for a special tan, which recognizes the heritage of this country. His humility and charisma represent that he is a boricua, a hero who is the lullaby of a nation. Agradezco to Agent Miguel Ramos and Bobby Díaz for their wonderful opportunity, ”commented artist Román Álvarez.

At the ceremony, Stuvo will present the chanting Chucho Avellanet, Yoyo’s personal friend and who will tell countless anecdotes of the tray office where applause and carcasses of presents in WIPR’s vestibule, radio and television, which mantuvosid present -19.

The good guy Yoyo Boing

Trayectoria ininterrumpida

Yoyo appeared on television, from his initiations in 1954, working on comedy and television programs with Gladys Aguayo, such as “María Lola” and “Cáliz de Plata”. Inside these years, dedicated to work and work in the “Show del Mediodía”. For the decade of the 70s, the “My Hippie Me Encounters” program was created in Telemundo alongside Margot Debén, Vicente Vázquez and Rosita Velázquez.

Yoyo Boing

Eric Delgado, agent Miguel Ramos Ramos, Yoyo Boing and agent Nelson Álvarez.

Inside WIPR Television, which took place on the same day as the court, was broadcast in the programs “Hora del Niño”, together with Titi Chagua, “Club 6”, together with Mirna Vázquez, the Taller Dramatico de Televisión Lucy Boscana , “Desde mi pueblo” and “Puertorriqueñísimo”, in which he visited all the people of the Isla.

In addition to being a pioneer of television, the locator was stationed on the radio of the same time at the Superior Central School. Inside his career on the radio radio on the occasion of “Yoyo Boing” through a number search for his character, which he will present shows at the patronage parties along with Paquito Cordero, Tito Lara and others. Participation in the program “Hoy en 940” y en un espacio dominical of the WIPR Radio, as well as José Miguel Agrelot and Georgina Borri.

As part of its tray directory, the implementation of comedy programs is discontinued, without the need to resort to vulgarity, as the “Los suegros” fair, space that is air-conditioned for many years and does not go to “Los Suegros y los nietos” , together with Rosaura Andreu, Cary Oliver and Membrillo.

On the other hand, the director of the Dramatic Taller Lucy Boscana, Edgardo Huertas, commented that “the best contribution of Yoyo is a life that makes you cry and you have to cry what you will love the people. The people of Puerto Rico love Yoyo because he is the only one who thinks in his life that he can make happy people. His actions and programs, such as “Travel with Yoyo”, are here to look for the rise of a people and this is what the people appreciate “.

Currently, Yoyo Boing is located as a locator in the radio program “Tus companionos del tapón” in WIPR 940AM.
