William did not ask Harry to join him at the funeral of Prince Felipe

Tras no verse desde hace un año, Harry y William ultimately hablan cara a cara en el funeral de Felipe de Edimburgo y esto fue (más o menos) lo que pasó.

«[Los hermanos] saben que no se tatará de ellos el sábado, sino de honrar la memoria de su abuelo y apoyar a su abuela ». Asia has declared a source to The Daily Telegraph preview of the desperate public funeral of William and Harry at the funeral of the Duke of Edimburg. The solemn ceremony that took place on Saturday, April 17th was fundamental to understand the deadlines of Diana. And although there are obviously failing tests of the senses of the Germans, there is a speculation about what will happen to them.

At the end of the ceremony

All started at the parade following the death of his father by the cadre of Windsor Castle. George. William y Harry made a separation with su primo, Peter Phillips, but the hermanos will be reunited briefly at the end of the ceremony.

Agreed with Express UK, hubo reading de labios in los breves instantes ambos se quitaron el cubrebocas. According to the media, William commented to his husband that the religious service was “marvelous”, and that Harry responded “as much as he wanted” —referred to his abuulo.

felipe de edimburgo funeral
(Photo: Getty Images)

Además concordaron en que la música habia sido muy bonita —y curiosamente, Felipe fue quien eligió los hymnos para tocar en este, su begrafnis.

Between the sledgehammer, they split up with William and Harry as well. Kate Middleton –who signs up as an “intervener” to proliferate a good reunion between Germans.

¿William pidió no estar junto a Harry en el begrafnis?

Following sources Post on Sunday, “This is a copy of the frialdad that Harry introduced in his first return to the United Kingdom during the controversy over Oprah Winfrey.” And now the tabloid has announced that testimonies will reveal that William’s footsteps will not be present at his funeral on the day of the funeral.

“Ironically, the only thing Harry expressed sympathy for was the principle of Andrew,” he said. “While respecting the demas, there is a great deal of protection sentiment towards the queen and recent resentment towards Harry. I’ve been pissed off about what Meghan said to Oprah.

As for asking Harry not to study with William, another person revealed that he “is only making and completing with what he says”.

The note that Meghan Markle wrote to Mano for the principle of Felipe
With this detail in his locker room, Camilla made a tribute to the Duke of Edimburg
Kate Middleton’s sweet gesture to send Felipe de Edimburgo
