Wife of Queens Proud Boy arrested in Capitol wants to divorce

She’s certainly not proud of him!

The wife of the wannabe Queens Proud Boy told The Post this week with a memory armed after online threats with the American Capitol riots that she is going to divorce.

Joni Florea said she was ‘crushed’ after learning the details of the allegations against her husband Eduard Florea, who was arrested on Tuesday on a federal gun charge.

“Just hearing about the details … is why I’m divorcing him,” she said in a call on Thursday.

Joni said her husband of about six years ‘has always been an angry man’ and ‘I totally believe he planned to do that.’

“The only thing I was worried about was my kids,” she said. “Eduard only cares for the Proud Boys.”

Prosecutors allege the 40-year-old software engineer posted about sending an armed caravan to the Capitol and also threatened the life of elected senator Raphael Warnock a few hours before the January 6 riot.

He did not actually attend the siege of the DC and is not charged with participating in the violence at the Capitol or making an online threat.

However, Joni said that her husband “wanted to go to the riot” that day “and even dressed for an occasion in an army hat.

“I told him, ‘If you go, you will not dare come back to my house,'” she said. “We fought like crazy and I think the only thing that stopped him was that the ride never came.”

“He just sat in silence on his phone,” she adds, remembering how she was in tears over their argument.

Eduard Florea's home in Middle Village, Queens.
Eduard Florea’s home in Middle Village, Queens.
Dan Herrick

Then on Tuesday an FBI vehicle rolled down the quiet street in Middle Village to arrest Eduard.

FBI agents said they seized more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition, two dozen rounds of shotguns and about 75 military knives, two shutters and two swords from the house.

Joni declined to comment on whether she knew about her husband’s alleged armor, and said she was waiting to speak to authorities again.

She and Eduard were married in 2014 and have two young children together.

Over the past four years, Eduard has become a ‘radical idiot’ regarding his politics and fights with her mother, a liberal who ‘hates Trump’.

“He was like angry and upset and definitely brainwashed by the right-wing media,” Joni said.

Prosecutors say Eduard was a proponent of Proud Boy and applied to join the right-wing group, but has not yet attended enough meetings to qualify him as a member.

While she was determined about a divorce, Joni said her husband – who was denied bail on Wednesday – did not yet know about her plans.

But she has already set up a GoFundMe page to ask for $ 2 million, including to pay for the divorce and to sue President Trump and Parler, where her husband allegedly made the threats.

“He does not think about the consequences of his actions,” Joni said of Eduard. “And I think that’s the most disgusting thing about this … it’s something that’s going to destroy him.”

“And it’s not going to destroy me,” she added, “because I know I’m a good person and I’m going to walk away from this.
