Why will Tigers be the first Mexican team to reach the Club World Cup final?

ESPN Digital presents five reasons why Tigers will be discussing the title of the tournament that will host these games in Catar

CATAR – Tigers will search the World Cup for clubs to reach the final to make history in Mexican football as long as no team has agreed and the continuation is presented by the numbers of the poorest girls to convert and the first league of the MX league in lograrlo.

Millionaire Files from 1996

Tuvieron a radical change from the CEMEX company to the team administration. Al afstammeling a la Primera División A en 1996, absorberer el control la conjunct y apostaron por mantener al plantel que tenían para lograr el ascenso al siguiente año, que finally lograron.

The agreement between the New Leon Autonomous University and Synergy Deportiva, which is exactly what the team is doing, has been going on for 30 years and has only one month been renovated over three decades, so it has solidified the project and maintained the effort by contrast with elements of buen nivel, which now he led the team to the World Cup of clubs in colocarse in the final, in which he could lead to Bayern Munich.

For the team he passed different elements that he converted in idols like Claudio ‘Diablo’ Núñez and Walter Gaitán, only to mention some, but in the last decade the inversions he made to the club because the players contracted by him went to the protagonist inside. Mexican football and now buscan at the international level.

In the last few seasons the girls have signed players like Carlos Salcedo (10.6 million dollars), Guido Pizarro (10.48) Nicolás López (about 10 million), Jürgen Damm (9 million), Andy Delort (9.4 million), Eduardo Vargas (7 million), Javier Aquino (around 5.5 million), Enner Valencia (6 million) and all of them are relevant to the fact that Tigers won titles under the mandate of Ricardo Ferretti. These include the Frenchman André-Pierre Gignac, who is a free player with a salary that is the most lucrative of the national team.

Dupla que “garantiza” el exito

The relationship between the technician Ricardo Ferretti and Miguel Mejía Barón surgió hace ya varias decades and in the labor ambiguity in the Tigers has yielded fruits that he converted to the felines in the team of the decade of Mexican football

Miguel Mejía Barón leads Ferretti in Pumas and the agreement to play with the team for a while longer and in Asia, in 1991, the capital team was crowned, then continued on his truck separately and first had the opportunity to lead the Mexican selection , with which it was established in the 1994 World Cup, Ferretti started a trayectoria in Mexico that has been running continuously.

In 2010, the Brazilian league’s Tigres and represented a change, as evidenced by the fact that in the 2011 Aperture it was scheduled to end with a sequel of 29 years without titles, following the arrival of Mejía Barón to the girls as auxiliaries of Ferretti “acostumbró” always plays champions among those who include more of the MX League and other tournaments, including the Concacaf Champions League.

The project with Ricardo Ferretti and Miguel Mejía Barón, who worked at Tigres and included Alejandro Rodríguez, president of the club, declared that this is what the Timonel says for many years, “I have no idea who will retire, hay pocos que pueden dirigir a un equipo como Tigres, siempre falta un papel, que pronto se lo daremos. Tuca va a seguir, queremos que siga él quiere seguir “.

A example of continuity in football

“The point of my team is the balance between offensive and defensive. We are a team with very experienced players and with a lot of mental and technical ability; they can solve problems inside the team when many times it seems impossible. My team is prepared and has a very important base of many years ”, expressed in advance the technician Ricardo Ferretti in an interview published by FIFA.com.

The continuity of his plant is one of the keys that can lead him to what no Mexican team has in the Club World Cup, colocaras in the final to play for the title.

At the 2010 Ferretti League, there were several different elements to Tigers and between them, Hugo Ayala, who played for Atlas’ team, and captain Jesus Dueñas, the scores of the teams were kept in the team.

Although there has been a paulatina renovation in the team, the strategist has managed to keep his players for a long time and by the time he has been a footballer the club has hired for three years with an option for a quarter, which he regularly has effective

André-Pierre Gignac and Javier Aquino who will be at the plant in 2015 and continuously, Guido Pizarro that since 2013 has been at the plant, although it was released between 2017 and 2018 to play in Europe, among others, so it can be key the time it takes for a team to score a good result in the Club World Cup.

Anime encyclopedia through its first international title

Tigers were sacrificed in 2020 in the carburetor for the sake of pursuing their first international title, even though on different occasions they are kept in the orilla.

Alejandro Rodríguez, president of the felinos, verklaar el pasado martes “in Concacaf nos quedamos tres veces en la orilla, nos dolió mucho pero seguimos insistendo, es el ADN de watel que aprende más del fracaso que del exito always ascending “.

The felons will compete on three occasions in a match of the Concacaf League of Champions League, even though in the 2016 cayeron in the final against the Eagles of America, in 2017 they will lose against the Tuzos del Pachuca and in the 2019 front to the Rayados of Monterrey.

This is how the Copa Libertadores 2015 took place, in per month and last final River Plate of Argentina, but in 2020 it will be crowned in the Concachampions to win at LAFC and it includes a reaction from the French André-Pierre Gignac, who will win the tornne regional ver verklan “por fin ganamos esa pin … copa muchachos”, por lo que ahora liberados de esprison y con el enimmico pudieran hacer historia para el mexicano.

The best team in its history

“This is the best Tigers of history, I still have very good moments with great companions, players, but this team of years has been the best of history, here are the titles, finals, leagues, we hope it team siga cosechando écitos “, expressed at the moment Claudio ‘Diablo’ Núñez, one of the referents of the club who has no support at all in reconstructing that currently exists in the era dorada.

Gignac is undoubtedly the one who captures the actual plant and has entered history to be the club’s maximum goal scorer, with the one marking 144 since it was launched in 2015.

Hugo Ayala and Jesús Dueñas led five league champions with the team, more than the alternate tournaments, and Nahuel Guzmán was considered the best guard who kept the club uniform, seconded by his key actions in the final. 2015 ante Pumas y la del Apertura 2016 ante America, mismas in las que fue la figura de los penales.
