Why the web pages piden accept koekies … and other answers to Silvio Rodríguez

In his blog Segunda Cita, the Cuban songwriter Silvio Rodríguez contests an internet about the institutional violence incidents of past schooling in front of MINCULT, and achoaco on the use of cookies his “impossibility” to access the videos revealing the attack by Minister Alpidio Alonso against Independent artists.

No solo material audiovisually, but it is not easy to make the evidence of the los hechos accessible. cookies), means that the use of these information archives should not make it impossible for any user to access them, provided that they obtain permission to obtain detailed details of their navigation. In this case, we would also like to thank some of the beneficiaries associated with them.

Silvio Rodríguez’s reply to the internet in his blog Segunda Cita

What are they cookies?

Una biscuit is a data file that an Internet page sends to your computer or device. In these sites web always the solicitation of the biscuit, as well as the team used for navigation. No boy junk mail, nor computer gusanos, nor any other type of extra virus.

Some of them are used to retrieve key information with published fines (model of monetization of many web pages, as is the case of CiberCuba), in other cases, works to customize the service we offer the site web, depending on our browser or the way we use the dates.

We can avoid them cookies?

Yes, there are ways to disable or block them. Somewhat quizzed by the preoccupation with Silvio Rodríguez.

If you want your information to be shared with your team, you can remove it from the “Herramientas” section and then click “Delete Navigation Dates” in the list!

If the navigator navigates through its phone, it can direct to “Configuration”, then to “Privacy” and, finally, to “Cook cookies”.

Sales and adventures of the cookies

This is a report of the European Union on data protection, without the analysis of 500 pages web, the 70% of the cookies son de terceros y rastrean nuestra actividad para ofrecernos publicizad personalized.

For a lad, las cookies can be of great help in order to enhance our internet experience, create a user profile and prevent us from filling out forms, restrictions and interminable contact details once and for all.

Without embarrassment, in terms of privacy, we must say that we mean less cookies assets, more privacy we tend to navigate through the webHowever, our personalization also tends to be more tedious and uncomfortable if we have access to each site.

If so, the key is to strike a balance between privacy and experience, analyzing the real and objective risks that we face: we appreciate our personal information in order to avoid our traces in any access.

The hechos who can not see Silvio Rodríguez

The finder insures these jews that only have been launched to see one of the videos from which the Deputy Minister of Culture Fernando Rojas invited the girls to enter the organization. “Lo demás, muy confuso”, dijo.

In the social media and media of the press Rodríguez podrá, if the interest, access to the images, videos and testimonials from the participants This is January 27 in the manifestation in the seat of the Ministry.

The group, composed of artists, periodicals Independents and members of the civil society, will be located in the place where Rojas convenes a variety of 27N members to a meeting to return a dialogue that prompted when the protest in November, and which will not be completed.

The intentions of the young accompany the iban to reunite with the staff and denounce arbitrary detentions are the same as the Cuban variants that iban brings to the house.

The police and militaries find the perpetrators of the edifice, impide the entrance, including a those who hold a pact quote, as is the case of playwright Yunior Garcia.

In the video that the logger finds, the deputy minister invites him to go to the institution. It’s likely that Rodríguez will not be able to accede to what he calls the King’s proposal when he demands that the cellular forces be removed and that the problem of the detentions be resolved.

Rodríguez tampoco alcanzó to revise when the Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso, responds with violence to the protesters and it from a manotazo to one of the periodicals who filmed with his cell phone.

A turbocharged military and police force, uniformed and civilian-dressed, disembarked at the scene and carried the protesters to a guagua. The testimonials of the golpiza that we collect some, and the violations that sufrieron otros, are also available.

Silvio Rodríguez can access them when they taste good.
