Why is the ‘Gambito de Dama’ game a big treat for the brain?

Gambito de Dama‘s one of those series that enganchan. No solo from his protagonist, Beth Harmon, performed by Anya Taylor-Joy, played by the game that practice. It is also one of those television series that generates movies. The series has an eye on the world of ajedrez. The sale of ejedrez on eBay has created 250% and Google’s searches for “how to play a game“There will be more highs in new years. In addition, the number of players on Chess.com has 2.5 million new users registered only in November, including Alberto Chueca, FIDE (Ajedrez International Federation), junior coach.

– Leer also: Gambito de dama: su éxito, explicado

The benefits of ajedrez

“El ajedrez is one of the activities that most help to acquire the mind. Some of these benefits are the result of the development creativity and imagination through the calculus of variants, the memorization, the qual is ownercited constantly, the passion to be able to take part in competition contests of up to five hours and the concentration in the design of strategic plans “, explains. Socialization, on the other hand, is an individual sports practice for which both teaches Independence and increases the number of decisions.

Like us, the ajedrez is a fascinating game and the miniseries ‘Gambito de Dama’ is helping many to discover and initiate in this discipline, so that, without hesitation, it will turn into a better mental health. And it is that, as this adjective explains, “there is a level of sanitation, there are associations and programs that use the adder to prevent Alzheimer’s or lie against the TDAH (transfer due to deficit of attention and hyperactivity) “.

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An activity for everyone in the world

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us until further notice. Es mas, te diríamos que no lo dudes, gracias a todos sus beneficios. “Today, we all understand the importance of the realization of physical activity, it is in gyms or free air. Benefits for the health associated with them are innumerable. Without embarrassment, there is no such thing as high own the mind when it is the key of our lives“Although it is true that this tendency is remarkably rewarding in the last decades”, Alberto Chueca recalls.

But if you think about it, you may not have to worry about it when it comes to learning the language, the intentions, the meaning of the word. “Antiguamente, el ajedrez estaba associate erroneously a ser un activity activa para gente muy intelligende. ajedrez the herramienta that transforms people developing their mental capacities. “Do not let the intelligent people know that the game will help them, because the practice of the game will make the characters all develop into their mental potential”, assures this specialist in the table.

The professor, insured, also said that after a dedicated decade teaching a large number of alumni and currently training for a ‘sub10’ world champion could decide that 98% of the level of help that a person has can acquire the skills of learning, constant work and practice. It is only 2% that corresponds to natural, biological or domestic talent. Here we can conclude that being able to read includes the elite without having innate talent. This virtuosity is innate that without dependence on our differences is very reduced and the difference between being in the elite and being world champion.

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El ajedrez no entiende de edades

For so, if you have liked so much Gambito de Dama that you want to learn this technique, hazel. Tengas la edad que tengas. Y es que, como explica el ajedrecista, “it’s a sport that can practice to any edad. As a matter of fact, he has seen several cases in which he officially competed in a 5-year-old tournament against a 95-year-old, even though he was otherwise successful in other sports. From 4 to 5 years you can use to recreate the pieces, teach the basic rules and movements and from 5 to 6 years you can use to calculate positions and combinations of 1 game to calculate later 2 and progressively difficult. Through tactical patronage reconnaissance, one associates ideas that are repeated in numerous positions “.

Finally, if you are interested in learning and increasing your speed, there are three fundamental factors that Alberto Chueca enumerates and explains:

  • The first is the assessment and methodology of a professional. El support of an ajedrez es clave trainer, sobretodo en aquellas partes de compressional conceptual. The most practical part like the calculation or the tactic can work on more individual form. Practically, all the people competing in addition, including, at small level tournaments and classes regularly have a trainer behind.
  • The second factor is the series constancy. As in any discipline, only the highest quality qualifiers can be logged if it is active and has regular training.
  • And lastly, the interest, which includes only the talent of the talent. If an alumnus has an interest, the trainer facilitates the work and the concepts are acquired more quickly.

– Leer también: Construct a good quality mesa de ajedrez
