Why do we have to do physical exercise?

In these cases, there is clear evidence that being physically fit prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies, obesity, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases or cancer. By the way, it has been seen that self-esteem also significantly increases our mental health.

But, what do we know? And, above all, what physical activity is necessary for some of these mechanisms to have an effect? What is the type of ownership? So, what kind of active engine are these positive mechanisms for health?

The positive effects for the health of the physical activity are produced by specific mechanisms in the distinct organs of the human body.

To be able to respond to all these questions haoi that empezar to understand the neural bases of the movement. Desir, will work on and regulate a motor program in our cerebro.

Neural circuits that elaborate motor programs

The movement of the human body has its origins in neural circuits that estimate the contraction of the muscles of the body. In the neural centers of our cerebro and deer form, toman decides to elaborate and execute a motor program. The cerebral movement control system includes all routine motor activities, such as camaraderie, has more elaborate movements, such as playing the piano, renting or launching a triple.

At the first level in the hierarchy of the field of motion decisions we meet the cerebral cortex, which is the helical pistol in the elaboration of a motor plane. The orden transcurve through various cerebral structures such as the bridge of the encapsulation, which have neural reds adjusting the motor plane. Finally, the definitive stimulus is directed to the musculature responsible for the movement, mainly of the neural pathways of the spinal cord.

The most interesting is that at every point on this truck there are so many “decidissings” that can be modular.

Dopaminergic modulation of physical capacity

To study how to execute (and regulate) a cerebral level exercise program is our new group of neurobiology research activities at the University of Murcia, led by José Luis Ferrán. We use animal models, which burn the opportunity to grow as it grows the cerebrum during distant stages of life in a short period of time.

The principles of this year will be published in the magazine Molecular neurobiology new data on the paper of the dopaminergic system during the majority of physical capacity. This system participates in the generation of the motor response, and is severely affected in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Specifically, we observe that during the adolescent stage of the rodents, the dopamine released from the dopaminergic neural centers depends on the amount of physical activity that an individual can carry.

When administering blockchain of the dopaminergic action mediated by the D1 receptors, it is observed that the time of physical activity resisted by the rodents in the rod decreases significantly. In this form, it is determined that cerebral structures such as the striated body and other regions of the cerebro participle in the modulation of ownership capacity, and that it depends on its part of the dopaminergic action.

Image of a rodent brain identifying tyrosine hydroxylase, in which the neurons that produce dopamine are distanced.

The discovery has important implications. Knowing the neural mechanisms that regulate the intensity and time that can be corrected will allow the positive effects of physical activity to be felt.

The time at which we are taking any other exercise, summed up in the intensity at which we are taking part, is part of what is known as the “load” of physical activity. After all, if the results for the health are related to cargoes and specific types of ownership, it is important to know. Because it will allow you to customize the prescription of the property according to the state of health, the clinical history and other variable properties of each individual.

By doing so, it will be necessary to regulate and manage the engine response as well as increase training programs for athletes.
