Why do some scientists think that a comet, not an asteroid, caused the dinosaurs to become extinct?

One day, 66 million years ago, the earth suddenly changed from a green, dinosaur-infested world to a soot-covered apocalyptic hell landscape. The extinction event at the time wiped out 75 percent of the world’s animal and plant species, including dinosaurs.

Evidence of that disastrous day can be found in the Chicxulub crater, a heavily eroded 90 km wide impact site on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico, widely regarded as the impact site for everything that caused the mass extermination event. And although there is scientific consensus on it something the earth hit that fateful day, there are different theories about exactly what.

Indeed, geologists and geophysicists have been clinging for decades to the idea that an asteroid is to blame. Astrophysicists at Harvard University theorize that an icy comet from the Oort cloud – a theoretical shell of icy debris at the edge of the solar system – flew too close to the sun, partly due to Jupiter’s strong tidal forces and eventually broke. apart and crashed into the earth. In other words, “cometic shrapnel” from a long comet that cracked around our solar system could have caused the impact that led to a mass extinction, rather than an asteroid.

Amir Siraj, principal researcher and undergraduate in astrophysics at Harvard University, and Avi Loeb, who is the former chair of astronomy at Harvard University, used this theory using statistical analysis and gravity simulations. Their findings were published February 15 in Nature’s Scientific Reports.

In the paper, the researchers set out their new calculations that increase the probability that comets with long periods – that is, those with more than 200 years of orbit – will hit the earth. They also calculate that 20 percent of long-term comets become solar eclipses, meaning comets that fly very close to the sun and are swept back by the terrestrial planets. The timing of these calculations would ‘correspond to the age of the Chicxulub impact crater’, the researchers explained, giving a ‘satisfactory explanation for the origin of the impact.’

Siraj told Salon that he was not originally trying to find the answer to the origin of the Chicxulub impact, but that he had begun to investigate more deeply the asteroid impact rates for Earth-like exoplanets. This led him to study the cometic impact rates on those systems, which led him to create numerical simulations to calculate long-term comets in our own solar system.

“What I finally found most striking was that a significant fraction of the Earth’s crossing comet – Earth’s crossing which means comets 1 AU [astronomical unit] of the sun – was directly preceded by remarkably close encounters with the sun, “Siraj said. I found that these comets pass so close to the sun that they were within the Roche boundary, where you can get tidal disturbances, and I dug further up to this point, and what I finally found is that these comets are largely produced through interactions with Jupiter, which in fact acted like a pinball machine. ‘

A general theory about the origin of the Chicxulub crater suggests that the source comes from the main belt, an area between the orbit of Jupiter and Mars populated with asteroids. According to the researchers, their theory provides a more realistic basis that can eventually be proven.

“Our paper provides a basis for explaining the occurrence of this event,” Loeb said in a media statement. “We suggest that, if you break up an object while it is approaching the sun, it could give rise to the appropriate rate and also the kind of impact that the dinosaurs killed.”

Previously, evidence from the Chicxulub crater suggested that the impact object was made of carbonaceous chondrite.

“Data in the last decade or so, and even before that, show that this composition is quite rare among asteroids,” Siraj said. “And we have a reasonable understanding of the distribution of asteroid compounds simply because of meteorites, which are mainly derived from asteroids.”

Yet comets are not so well understood. Yet we know from one successful comet mission with sample return that comets do contain carbonaceous chondrite, Siraj said.

Siraj and Loeb do not support the theory that a comet killed the dinosaurs. Two geoscientists advanced the theory in 2013, in part because the levels of iridium and osmium around the impact site were lower than those found in an asteroid and were more suitable for a comet impact. Siraj said the study of iridium would be an ‘important active area of ​​research’ to better understand what impact the Chicxulub crater had.

Suppose scientists eventually prove that a comet led to the extinction of dinosaurs and completely changed the earth. Will it change how we view asteroids (or comets) as a threat to life on Earth?

“Asteroids are still the biggest short-term risk,” Siraj said. He noted that the good news about their theory is that there is a low probability that shrapnel from a long comet will hit the earth in our lives. “We do not have to worry about the fact that cometic impact is extremely common on very short time scales … However, it changes the way we think about longer term, like a million years and more. I think my civilization will have to reckon with these questions to deflect small asteroids, which is very different from deflecting large asteroids, which is also very different from deflecting comets. ‘

Mankind’s need to draw up ’emergency plans’ to address plan-wide devastation events underscores the importance of future research into the dynamics of small bodies in our solar system.

“Science is really the tool we can use to address these looming existential threats and be prepared,” Siraj said.
