Why do immigrants make a difficult journey to the United States? CNN spoke to them on the front page

(CNN) – Orillas de Río Grande, near the city of Hildalgo, in the south of Texas, dozens of undocumented immigrants, in its majority and small towns, descend a hill in the Mexican barn by the front in an orderly procession.

There will be a retreat on a deserted desperation retreat familiar to the Valle del Río Grande. Some female babies who are pregnant are more likely to have other perturbations in the mouth of the fango river, including a group of men who hope for salvaged chalices to tour Mexico and the United States. Only this day, the authorities will say, 2,000 migrants will be detained in the valley.

“From Honduras”, migrating various gritton to a CNN correspondent who asked the question of donation eran. Some have been traveling for months, crying out for violence, poverty and destruction provoked by a pair of hurricanes. CNN can see the balsa haciía alrededor of 6 journeys through the river.

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“We are looking for a new opportunity”, says a man who travels with his wife and his little hen.

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The scene reflects an influx of migrants, especially nines, who challenge the new administration of President Joe Biden, who assumes the burden of overthrowing the policies of his predecessor.

The city officials attributed this increase in part to the instability in the region, exacerbated by the pandemic, and the perceptions that the migrants have that immigration policies are more accommodating to the new president.

‘We want to make a living here’

Roxana Rivera, 28, said she and her 6-year-old daughter Honduras had been accused of destroying consecutive hurricanes in November and destroyed everything she had in it.

It should be noted that in this case it is decided that the United States will now allow the persons with crosses to cross freely on the front, which is not at all close. She listened to her in the news, she said. Families in EE.UU. transmit the same information. Otros migrantes ten histories similar.

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Rivera dijo que staba euforica cuando el grupo con el que cruzó la frontera, en su majoría madres e hijos, fue recogido por agents fronterizos. The migrants were prosecuted and taken to a bus station in Brownsville, Texas, where they were given a test of covid-19 and organizations with fines for the summoning offenders before his release.

Planeaba to stay with family in Houston while proceeding to their immigration case.

“Always be happy to live in a house with your husbands”, says Rivera, emotional. «Now we have nothing … We are going to have a house».

Rivera dijo que varias veces se arrepintió de embarcarse en el largo overje hacia el norte a pie y en tren, poniendo en riesgo la vida de su hija. In veces la niña pedía comida y no tenía nade que ofrecerle. One day, dijo, su hija se dehidrató. On another occasion he sought medical attention in Mexico when he had a fever.
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María Mendoza, a 30-year-old migrant from El Salvador, became a parishioner when she moved to Brownsville to be prosecuted by immigration officials. Hope to meet with families living in Maryland, dijo entre lagrimas.

Mendoza recorded that the balsa that she and others used to cross the medianche by the Río Grande was volcó, sending it to various mothers and their hats to the water. Dijo que había días en los que comia para que hij hij de 6 años no pasara hambre. Su hija recordaba haber evadido una serpiente en el camino.

“More than anything I want to reunite with my family,” he said. «Queremos hacer una vida aquí. A better future for our houses ».

‘Geen tenemos más espacio’

Immigrants front

Authorities will arrest and find more than 100,000 migrants in the front during a week-long period ending March 3, according to data obtained by CNN. The increase marks the higher levels for the different period of time in five years.

Frontier agents are located between 4,000 and 5,000 people a day, according to a National Security official.

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“We are abrupt”, said Chris Cabrera, spokesman for the National Council of the Patrol Fronteriza, which represents the agents of the Patrol Fronteriza. «We are super-populated. Geen tenemos más espacio ».

Add: “The tenemos bajo nuestra custodia y el sistema se ha atascado y no hay donde enviarlos”.

The migrant children are not accompanied by any other part of the administration’s problem.

El mercoles, the number of children not accompanied by the Patrulla Fronteriza guardianship increased to 3,700, according to CNN. Many are built and installed similar to the long front of the carts.

The Fronteriza Patrol detained the mercenaries in 800 unaccompanied migrants, supervising the actual daily diary of 450, according to a National Security official.

Approximately 8,800 people are not accompanied by the EE Health Service and Custody Service. UU., Confirmed the jueves the department, front to the 7,700 of the previous week.

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‘The front is not open’

Roberta Jacobson, Biden’s front-line coordinator, said the migrant’s message to migrants is not yet available.

“It’s really important that the people do not have the difficult journey in the first place, that the proportion of alternatives to make this journey, because we do not secure the road,” said the mourners.

“And enthones, ya sabes, si poviera enfatizar … que is really important that this message is difunda, because perception is not the same as the reality in terms of which the front is not open”.

Congestion also helps Biden to look more closely at the front 0:42

Jacobson reiterated the administration’s message: “The front is not open”. Dijo that the immigration policies of the Trump administration “the empire intentionally”.

“We can simply disassociate four years from the actions of the previous administration of the night on the moon,” said Jacobson, adding that “a significant time to overcome” the effects of Trump’s immigration policy.

As a result, the maneuvering situation on the part of the new administration has generated criticism from Republicans and some Democrats.

Apart from the unaccompanied minors who hope to recover from immigration cases, the Biden administration has continued to address the majority of migrants. Some family sons are recognized in EE.UU. case by case. A change in the Mexican law that proves the detention of small children has caused the immigration agents to retaliate against the migrating families.

In Brownsville, Sandra, 38 years old, said Honduras’ wife had years of family life. Its complete number is not published because it is the victim of domestic violence. A day, a day, the family member presents himself in his house with a pistol and an open fugue. One of his wives and other members of the family attacked the man and the impidieron matarla.

Vivió con su hijo en une ciudad de tiendas de campña en el mexicano lada frontera el aoo pasado, donde enseñaba a des students de jardín de infantes, y ahora está pidiendo asilo en EE.UU.

For now, a woman who runs a charitable organization in Brownsville has opened her house to Sandra and her little one. This week he entered that he had an immigration hearing in June. Enjugándose las lágrimas, Sandra dijo que nunca regresará a Honduras.

“Tuve que irme para siempre”, dijo. “I can not live in my country.”

Ray Sánchez, Priscilla Alvarez and Geneva Sands of CNN contribute to a story in Sánchez’s writing in New York.
