Why did the dark number of Chavo reveal them? Chespirito | Series nnda nnlt | CHEKA

In the long run of five decades, “El Chavo del 8” alegró ininterrumpidamente los hogares de diversos paises del mundo, más alla of los hispanohablantes, hasta que fue canceled. Well, the characters that appear in it are recorded with a lot of character, there are some things that are not the most fanatical of the series.

MORE INFORMATION: All the offices of Don Ramón in “El Chavo del 8”

One of their most intriguing stories is the motive for never revealing the number of the main character during the 290 episodes. Well, I do not hope more than ever that we will.

The Chavo of 8 is a Mexican comic book series created and protagonized by Roberto Gómez Bolaños, produced by Mexico Independent Television.  (Photo: Televisa)
The Chavo of 8 is a Mexican comic book series created and protagonized by Roberto Gómez Bolaños, produced by Mexico Independent Television. (Photo: Televisa)


Agreed with “El diario del Chavo del 8”, a book published by Roberto Gómez Bolaños in the decade of the 90 donde revealing aspects of the origin of this character, he was never heard of and only knew his parents, some of them very strong abandoned in a guardhouse. Y although all known to him as Chavito, his name is Rodolfo Pietro Filiberto Raffaelo Guglielmi, al minos eso se leía en el text de delamado Chespirito.

Prohibition of probes, his identity was revealed in the television series, it is debatable that every time the question of his verdict is numbered, he is only ready to say “Fili …” and in the meantime were interrupted by alguien or some success that ocurría in the vecindad.

It is clear that this identity has been confirmed by the Chespirito proposal, which will exist in November 2014, and will be lifted this fall. This is the property of Florinda Meza, who will be referring to the theme.

El Chavo del 8 tuvo su ultimo capitulo en ener de 1980 y tenía el titulo de
The Chavo del 8 has its last chapter in the year 1980 and it holds the title of “La lavadora” (Photo: Televisa)


In August 2020, the conflicts that existed between Television and the Gómez Bolaños family became public, so we decided to end the relationship. “Although sad for the decision, my family and I hope that Chespirito will be in the pants of the world. We will insist, and I will ensure that we stay. ”, written by Roberto Gómez Fernández, Mexican comedian.

The notice causes the anger and sadness of all the followers of the Chespirito series and hiccups to be maligned in the social speeches. Florinda Meza also pronounced her opinion on her Twitter account: “This act is an incomprehensible act and he has the most respect: in public”.

What do you think about the Chespirito program? Although there is no connection that can be explained unequivocally in the negotiations, I believe that just now, when the world needs the most diversification, make it an aggression against the people”, Escribió.

Florinda’s record holder criticized the television’s decision, then “in return for its commercial offers and interests ” and ensure that dichos programs “Son of cult”. “It’s sad to be found in your own house, and since it has millions of dollars, it is worth less”, aggregated in another tweet.
