Why did Eduardo Santamarina and Susana González not go to prison?

Susana González (Getty Images)

Susana González (Getty Images)

It is well known that Eduardo Santamarina mantuvo a sentimental relationship with Susana González with which share stellar credits in the telenovela “Velo de novia”. His romance was solid, which included considering lying on the altar; sin embargo, no ocurrió y ahora el actor explica la razón. “Simply do not say”, Santamarina revealed to the stadium program Suelta la sopa (Telemundo).

“Con Susana [González] was three years ago, there was no news of telenovela anything more “, aggregate.” By supuesto que cuando estabamos (juntos) se llego a pensar en querernos casar, por supuesto que sí, pero ne se dio, no pasa nada. Ella hizo su vida, yo estoy haciendo la mía “.

The interpretation of Abelardo Pons in the telenovela “Buscando a Frida” dio a conocer que mantiene un cordato traalt con todas sus exparejas. Although it is clear that it does not have a close relationship.

<em>NTX Photos</em>“src =” “data-src =” https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/AGeJTb16gMiUW7DZl9KYxA–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MA–/https://media.zenf_es/pe/pe/pe/pe/pe/pe ol 7c7dd7a4b20a36c0120065b9801170a0 “/><noscript><img alt=NTX Photos“src =” https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/AGeJTb16gMiUW7DZl9KYxA–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MA–/https://media.zenfs.com/es/people_en_espa_ol_ “

NTX Photos

“Todas mis ex que me las topo, me da gusto verlas; las saludo, me saludan. Y les preguntó: ‘¿Cómo está tu famili, tus hermanos?’ , pero mentiría si al decir que sigo siendo amigo de mis ex. Eso no, para nada; se cierra la cortina y se acabó “.

The amorous passing of Eduardo Santamarina took place in the passing and is now the end of a stable matrimony; of two years with Mayrín Villanueva. “All those who are in a relationship of love and respect, obviously, permeate in your work, with your family or friends”, mentioned. “We feel very sorry for the houses we have, because we also have a job of them and thank you to those we have and we have this family”, he concluded.


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