Who is Nayib Bukele? Some relevant dates of the presidential controversy of El Salvador | Politics | Notice

Its presidency has been embroiled in controversy over international and human rights organizations.

In the last elections of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele was seen as a millennial candidate, apen with 38 years of oath and little experience realized by the mayor on his campaign for social speeches.

Pese a ello, los ciudadanos lo llevaron a la Presidencia con la esperanza un un cambio en un pais que ha sidit vístima de corruption, pobrese y las tasas de tasesinatos más altas del mundo, según The New York Times.

The election of Nayib Bukele took place in one of the two most influential political parties in the country, both of which changed the position of mandates of the final of the civil war in El Salvador, in the decade of the 90s.

The day that the winner of the elections declared his victory with a jacket jacket, mezclilla pants and dijo to pais that finally ‘passed page’ to the era of the posguerra.

These are some of the most relevant dates of the president, collected by various international media, such as the periodical portal Expansion.

1. Bukele was fired from San Salvador from 2015 to 2018, impulsed by the former Farabund Martian Marti for the National Liberation Party (FMLN), who was fired in 2017.

2. In its profile as alcalde identifies with the millennials. Project in the capital square El Salvador del Mundo a movie of dragon ball and participatory promotion in paintball competencies or extreme mechanical games.

3. Las redes sociales han sido sus grandes kompañeras. Speaking of elections and up to date, Bukele has not given any press and launch messages via Twitter. If you need an explicit extension, recycle a Facebook Live.

4. The President of El Salvador, born July 24, 1981, is the late Emperor Armando Bukele, an industrial chemist and representative of the Palestinian-Origin Community, and Olga Ortez.

5. Bukele studied Derecho at the Jesuit Central American University (UCA) of San Salvador, but did not graduate and was dedicated for 18 years to work in a company of his father.

6. In June, Nayib Bukele captured the ranking world of the most evaluated mandates, elaborated by Consult Mitofsky. Account with 71% approval.

7. With his triumphal election, Bukele broke up with several decades of bipartisanism between the right-wing Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (Arena) and FMLN.

8. It is known as el Golondrino, for the emblem of the party that led it to power, the Grand Alliance by the National Union (GANA, a Conservative Party).

9. It is also alleged that he was trying to commit a crime against freedom of expression. José Miguel Vivanco, Director of Human Rights Watch for the United States, has written a column entitled ‘One of the First Victims of the Bukele Legislative Victory in El Salvador Can Be Freedom of the Press’. “Since the inauguration in June 2019, President Nayib Bukele’s governor has announced the release of the press and has arrested the Independent Independents, who have been accused of “fake news” propaganda and constantly calculates of “mercenaries”, Asegura Vivanco in his text. (I)
