Who is Kamala Harris, the first female Vice President of the EU

Washington, United States.

Kamala Harris will replace one of the higher crystal crystals when the 20th of this year comes as the first Vice President of the United States, marking the truck of the White House more diverse of history.

How to formulate the presidential president’s formula, Joe Biden, ayudó a poner fin al turbulento gobierno de Donald Trump. During the campaign, Harris finds out about the chaotic maneuver of the pandemic. covid-19, los störs por la injusticia rasse y sus duras medidas contra la immigration.

Harris, 56, contains a la Casa Blanca but is recorrido un camino único. Fue la first woman black in being fiscal general electoral in California and the first female ascension of South Asia in Senado.

As Vice President, there will be a step to lead the United States.

Dado que se espera que Biden, of 78 years, solely completing a mandate, Harris is in a privileged position to win the nomination to the presidency of the Democratic Party four years later.

“Although the first woman will be in the cargo, will not be the last”, Harris said in a speech on November 7, the first time the stadiums were projected to Biden and Harris as the governors on Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

Trump impugnantly increases the results, claiming that the Democrats will only win a massive electoral fraud.

During the campaign, habitually attacking Harris, “monster” caliphate after his vice presidential debate in October with Pence. When the periodicals were presented with respect, Harris briefly addressed the president. “I did not comment on his infant statements”.

If Harris responds well during the campaign, in the last few months he will be making plans that she and Biden have been revealing to help families in difficulties and regulate a tambaleante economy.

“The first 100 days of administration Biden-Harris “We will focus on controlling this pandemic, ensuring that vacancies are distributed in an equitable and free form for all,” he wrote on March.

While the Vice President’s job is on the agenda as ceremonial, Harris will also be running a decisive paper in the Senate of the United States.

Thanks to the two victorious Democrats in the second half of this month in the state of Georgia, the Senate will be divided into equal parts: 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans.

This means that Harris can have a significant time in the Capitol acting as the decisive vote on important issues, from the judicial nominees to the estimated 1.9 trillion dollar bills.

The two parents of Kamala Harris son immigrant. His father went to the United States of Jamaica and his mother, he failed, from India and his life marked markets for the “American American” narrative.

Kamala Harris born on October 20, 1964 in Oakland, California, there is an activism focus on civil rights and against war.

He graduated from the Howard University in Washington, a black state icon in the United States, and is the start of a busy career as a taxpayer, as he chose to work as a district tax officer in San Francisco and the United States. fiscal general of California and 2010.

Peru su discourse that fue a “progressive fiscal” has been questioned by critics who signal that peleó by mantener condenas injustas and se opuso a reforms in California, como una lei que instaba al fiscal general a investigator los tiroteos en los que estuviera involucrada la police.

Peru su trabajo fue clave para reunir una base y tener resonance para lanzar una candidaca exitosa para llegar al Senado en la campña de 2016, convirtiéndose en la segunda mujer negra en ser elegida par la Cámara Alta.

Your management, like the Fiscal General, will allow you to Beau Biden, the ex-president’s hijacker, who owns the same cargo she has in Delaware, and who had cancer in 2015.

“Yo sé cuanto Beau respetaba a Kamala and in his work, and, to be honest with you, he weighs in on my decision (of choice) “, Biden indicates during his first comparison with Harris as a formula partner.

Harris exudes charisma and can quickly pass on his coldness to the tax inquisitor style that the hizo is famous for.

The extracts from his questionnaires in 2017 to the general tax authorities, Jeff Sessions, during a hearing in the Senate on Russia went viral.

Harris also choked with Biden during the first debate among Democratic candidates on the opposition’s proposal to a 1970s program to incorporate minorities’ niches into white majority schools to fight against segregation.

“Have a Nine in California that is part of the second grade by being integrated into a public school and being taken by bus to that school every day”, said in reference to the transportation of nines to the barriers of white schools. “Y esa niña era yo”, agregó.

During his unique debate with the Vice President Mike Pence, Harris levanto su mano mientras él trataba de interrumpirla.

“Senor Vice President, I’m confused, I’m the one I’m talking about,” Pence said, shrugging silently.

A Biden también le sirve su imagen de mujer moderna.

Kamala Harris does not have biological heifers, but advertises his paper as mother of his heirs, the white lawyer Douglas Emhoff, who also took an active part in the presidential campaign.

Emhoff will be transformed into the first “second cavalry” of the United States and the first conjugated judge of a United States vice president.
