Who is Jesh de Rox, the newest superstar of Aislinn Derbez?

Pero Who is Jesh de Rox? The male of the hawk conquering the crown of the hen of Eugenio Derbez; is a multifaceted man and with many talents, one of his passions is the photograph of what the Aislinn model has modeled on more than one occasion. +

His work with the chamber led him to retreat to the refugees, capture the presidents, rock bands and work on the media of communication media such as ‘Vogue’, ‘Elle’ and the ‘Huffington Post’.

Jesh de Rox

With only 20 years to go, it will be reconciled with more than 100 international awards and, according to the information on its official page, his talent will lead him to find ‘Superfeel’, which will show the emotions of his models.

It has galaxies in design, as a writer and as a reader, and now has classes of KINDRÊD, a modern practice of impulsive meditation through human movement and connection, which helps the practitioner to express his feelings better.

Por si esto fuera poco tiene tres series propias de podcast ‘Praktiese vorme van selfliefde’, sobre el amor propio; ‘The wisdom of madness’ about creativity and the Human Experiences and ‘Friendship’, about love.

Jesh de Rox, Aislinn Derbez

In his Instagram profile you can observe various photographs of Aislinn Derbez with beautiful messages, as invited to the program ‘La magia del chaos’ which realizes the actress and what she can talk about in her relationship with albedrío and love.

This trip to Hawaii is not the first series to take place, the last one to take the catch at the Los Angeles airport, in December passed, at the moment it will have a relationship, but the cargaba photographer at the small town of Ais.
