Who is Enrique Tarrio, the great American villain who leads one of the groups that joins the Congress of the EU

Tarrio arenga a sus Proud Boys desde el megafono en una de las protests in Washington por el supuesto
Tarrio sued his Proud Boys from the megaphone during one of the protests in Washington over the alleged “fraud” in the elections denounced by Trump. REUTERS / Jim Urquhart

Enrique Tarrio fue a “chico malo” from the Little Havana of Miami hasta been converted to a “chic organ”. 20 years ago he was arrested for robbery and the animal was sentenced to three years. On the 29th agarraron selling robotic medical instrument and receiving 30 months of imprisonment. Fue cuando, assegura este afrocubano de 36 años, que se reformo. Initiative Various Negotiations that Fracasaron has agreed to join one of the Lideres de la Extreme derecha estadounidense agglomerada in an organization called Proud boys (muchachos orgullosos) and three years later, he was the leader of an army of armed militias up to the present day. Last week, when Donald Trump called on his followers to intervene in Congress before legislators proclaimed Joe Biden as the new president, the Proud Boys would be on the first line of the line. Tarrio dirigía por una clandestina de radio that emission from Baltimore’s afueras. She could not be in person in front of her children. Pero fue su jefe indiscutido.

As far as Washington is concerned, the moon to participate in the Trump-favored demonstration, Tarrio was arrested. The police have a very close search. En dit momento al die teléfono un un periodista. “Come for me!” launched to air with melodramatic tone. The search for vandalism. Había quemado, my step in another protest, is a banner of what we are doing against the Black Lives Matter racism (Las vidas de los negro importan). Find special car chargers with a capacity of up to 30 units each.

Fue in 2017 when Tarrio started socializing with the members of the Proud Boys, who had found one year ago by Gavin McInnes, the ex due of the magazine Under. Tarrio, which was created in a Cuban conservative community, was quickly seduced by the idea of “Get some time to meet with the power in the shadows we have from Washington.” In August of this year he participated for the first time in the concentration of militias in Charlottesville together with the whites of white supremacists, nationalists and other neo-Nazis who protested against the withdrawal of the statue of General Secessionist Robert E Lee. For its organizational power and agility during the police and anarchist counterattacks, Tarrio was named leader of the Florida branch of the Proud Boys. He installed a tent in Miami to sell extreme rights paraphernalia. Between the tights that offer a hay one that doubles: “Pinochet did nothing wrong” (Pinochet no hizo nada malo).

Los Proud Boys
Los Proud Boys ‘rompiendo’ a protest for the brutal politics in downtown Washington. REUTERS / Erin Scott

The Proud boys reject the assertions of their white, anti-Semitic, racist or fascist supremacists. ‘Soy is pretty moreno. Cuban soy. I consider an Afro-Cuban. No hay nada of white supremacy in me ”, dijo Tarrio a la revista Insider. If it is the same, about everything, as a conservator. “I believe that conservatism is what will save America,” he said. “We are a group of chicas who pass the rat and beben serve juntos and only be divided”, assured in another interview. “Obviously, we are a political group, but this is secondary by nature.”

But in social speeches the image of Tarrio is different and complementary. In his personal accounts, he denies, among others, the transsexuals and writes that the African-American actress Leslie Jones appears a “mono”. In 2018, my Twitter profile was suspended by “Anti-Muslim rhetoric and misogyny”.

In essence, it is a very violent group. To join the Proud Boys hay que pasar four initiation rites: pronounce the phrase “I am a patriot and I do not want to be discredited by creating the new world”, number five cereal brands while in a palace, make a tattoo of the logo of the Proud Boys, renounce masturbation y deelnemer en peleas con grupos de extremema izquierda. Tarrio will close the quarter next to a member of Antifa, an antifascist group, in June of 2018. The organization’s escalation has already been converted to its leader this November. El New York Times I think the group has one 3,000 members. Among them are many veterans of the Afghan and Iraqi wars and all those receiving military training. Roger Stone, ex asor of the Casa Blanca, is a member of the militia.

When Trump took part in the Biden debate on 29 September, he said he did not believe the action of the militias was apologetic. “What is the taste that you condense? Do you have a number? ”, Preguntó. “Proud Boys”, interviewed by the Democrat. “Proud boys. .. den un paso atrás y estén preparados ”, afirmó Trump. When I was disappointed, I added: “But the rich people, they say that some people have something to do with Antifa and the Izquierda because this is not a problem of the right”.

Tarrio was the executive director of the organization “Latinos of Trump” of Florida and personally captured the campaign to move dozens of miles of Cuban anticastrists to vote for the multimillionaire. “I believe that, personally, golpeé 40,000 puertas to receive the information ”, explained. También was sent to the Congress in the Republican primary but soon after the candidacy. The electorate was the former television presenter María Elvira Salazar.

The songs of the Proud Boys crossing the Hawthorne Bridge in Portland.  At the center of the green globe is Joe Biggs, one of the founders of the organization, and Tarrio with a megaphone.  (AP Photo / Noah Berger)
The songs of the Proud Boys crossing the Hawthorne Bridge in Portland. At the center of the green globe is Joe Biggs, one of the founders of the organization, and Tarrio with a megaphone. (AP Photo / Noah Berger)

The essence of the Proud Boys and the other militias acting in the United States is the defense of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. It is that consecrating the right to carry arms. “A well-regulated militia”, (a controlled militia), is the phrase with which it argues its cause and what it is, in both cases and in the midst of its redaction, the political platform of these groups.

During the pandemic, the militias oppose the restrictions and confiscation to control the Covid19. Including, a Michigan group intends to secure Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s impetus. Buscaban derrocar su gobierno y desatar una civil guerra. There are many other similar protests in the Middle East with armed militias taking over state congresses.

The presence of militiamen in the calls intensified during the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the last cases of police abuse against the black minority, which led to the movement of Black lives matter. Aparecieron armed with automatic rifles for combat, military ropa and confederate banners. Dijeron que era para “Maintain the order, protect property and defend the constitution”. His presence overcame the tension: a 17-year-old militiaman killed two people and killed him in a storm in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the August finals. Pocos días despu, in Portland, Oregon, a member of a group of extreme right murmur against the disparos of a man who said he was defending the protesters.

Violence attacks the United States Congress over five days.  REUTERS / Leah Millis.
Violence attacks the United States Congress over five days. REUTERS / Leah Millis.

Alli, in the calls, the Proud Boys compete with various other militias with national presence. Between them, there are Eedwagters, integrated mostly by ex-soldiers and officers of the security forces and the Ejército; y los Three percent, a reference to the rebels who are fighting against the British in the Revolution by the Independence: make sure that this is the percentage of the population that is currently armed. The presence of the militias was reported in the 90s, three armed forces between security forces and civilians in episodes that would hold the attention of EE.UU., as of Ruby ridge y Waco. Surgeon groups of militias throughout the country, always with the base to protect the Second Segment and fight “the abusers of the government”. The appearance of the Tea Party’s Republican Correspondent, the election of Barack Obama and the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the mayor’s impulse to these groups. Did you mention Donald Trump and if “enamoraron” de el. A populist who understands. “Liberad Michigan!” proclaimed on Twitter the president when the armed groups entered the Capitol of this state. Hasta that appears to be causing the “libertarian” cause to restrict the pandemic. No barbarian or mascara is converted into a political sign of all this curriculum of thought.

The Afro-Cuban Tarrio, which has English accent in Cuban accent and a traditional Spanish of Florida, is converted into a symbol of the militias and the new city of the most elusive little movie of the cinematography of the city. trumpism.
