White House reporters say the Biden team wants to ask their questions in advance

If you’re a reporter with a difficult question for the White House Press Secretary, Joe Biden’s staff will not mind knowing in advance.

According to three sources with knowledge of the case, as well as written communications reviewed by The Daily Beast, the new president’s communications staff have already occasionally investigated reporters to see what questions they plan to ask the new White House press secretary, Jen Psaki , to ask. during information sessions.

The requests have raised concerns among the White House press, whose members, like many reporters, are sensitive to the perception that they are coordinating with political communications staff.

One reporter raised the issue during an informal call from the Correspondents Association in the White House last Friday. According to various sources, during the meeting, leaders advised printed reporters to reiterate requests from the White House press team to learn questions in advance, or simply not respond to the Biden team’s questions.

“While it’s a relief to have information sessions return, especially with the fact that they are committed to providing factual information, the press cannot really do its job in the information room if the White House chooses the questions and chooses what they want. , “said a White House correspondent. . “It’s not a free press at all.”

‘It has made enough reporters angry at people to do it for the [WHCA] for them to deal with it, ”said another expert source.
