White House examines whether Trump should continue to receive intellectual briefings

The White House is conducting a review to determine whether former President TrumpDonald TrumpBiden reversing Trump’s last-minute attempt to freeze 4 billion programs, Trump announces a new legal team for indictment after it is reported that Republicans are leaving to unite the next election cycle MORE. must continue to receive intelligence briefings now that he has left office.

The spokesperson spoke at the press release of the White House on Monday. Jen PsakiJen PsakiBiden meeting with IDP senators on Monday on coronavirus relief Biden invites IDP senators to the White House for emergency relief talks said President Biden’s national security team is investigating the matter.

“This is something that is currently being reviewed,” Psaki said.

Former presidents usually have access to information intelligence after leaving office.

However, Democrats – and even some former Trump administration officials – have warned that the former president cannot be trusted with national security secrets, believing he could disclose sensitive information or try to take advantage of it.

Sue Gordon, who was deputy director of national intelligence during the Trump administration, in a recent open call for Trump to be cut off from the briefings, saying he would be “extremely vulnerable to bad actors with bad intentions.”

Home Information Committee Chair Adam SchiffAdam Bennett Schiff Lobby of Center Glenn Greenwald warns against media censorship amid concerns over domestic terrorism Biden to keep Wray as FBI director MORE (D-Calif.) Began to insist on Trump being cut off even before he left office on January 20.

“There are no circumstances in which this president should get any more information, not now, not in the future,” he said. ‘I do not think he can trust it now, and in the future he certainly can not be. rely. “
