When’s Clubhouse coming to Android?

If you have not heard of Clubhouse, it’s the latest fad on social media that is taking the world – in fact, mostly just Silicon Valley – by storm. This is an amazing experiment in live conversations that brings together the best podcasts and social networks like Twitter into one rich experience. The downside? So far, it has only been available on the iPhone. Fortunately, the release of Clubhouse for Android is on its way.

Clubhouse mentioned the Android app in their latest blog post in January 2021. This message is basically the big announcement from the company that they are focusing on opening the app to ‘the whole world’ in 2021. It’s only going to iOS users now, but those on the Googley side will soon see the change:

Welcome more wonderful people 🎉 From the earliest days, we wanted to build a clubhouse for everyone. With that in mind, we & # 39; re excited to launch our Android app soon, and to add more accessibility and location features so people around the world can experience Clubhouse in a way that is native to them.

Clearly, this is not an issue date. In fact, it is not even a start-up development date. All we know is that Clubhouse has been an exclusive iOS version up to this point, and now the company says it’s going to launch its Android app. It could mean a release within a few months, or as late as years. We simply do not know at this stage. We’ll be sure to let you know when we know more.

9to5Google’s Take

It’s not uncommon for social networks like Clubhouse to lag behind in their Android versions. There is actually a long history of this, from Instagram to Snapchat to Path. Reasons vary. Apparently, companies have decided that iOS demographics make more sense to get apps on social media, but there are also more tangible reasons. Snapchat was exclusive to iOS for a year because those devices have more controlled camera hardware, which made the user experience more predictable in the early days.

In this case, I would bet there is a parallel. As someone who has used Clubhouse, the big difference in microphone quality is one of the biggest challenges – even limited to iOS. Most people at Clubhouse seem to be using the technologically savvy iOS demographics they use, AirPods or similar. This creates a consequence in the sound quality of the conversations. It will probably be more challenging on Android.

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