When you read the check for $ 600, which is calibrated and which includes the approved package

The President, Donald Trump, firmly dominates the $ 900,000 economic alimony package approved by the Congress last week, which includes direct payments of $ 600 per person, which is less than $ 75,000 per year.

It is a lie of an intense week in which all parishes indicate that the president has no firm insistence on increasing the amount of money in the estimated checks to 2,000 dollars per eligible person.

The Trump firm too avoid a timid cierre del Gobierno, can the package approved by the Congress include the federal guest presidency for 2021.

[Siga nuestra cobertura de la pandemia del coronavirus]

In total, the legislative firm of the mandatario ascending a 2.3 billion dollars, among the aids due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the federal presidency that will provide funding to the Government until September next year.

The current legislation is possible Benefit extension for example, that habían expired in the madrugada of the sabbath giving to millions of unprotected, and that now can receive semi-pagean payments between 114 and 357 dollars. These pages have a salvage rate of 7.3 million that will cause the coronavirus debit job.

The packet also extends the federal moratorium on redundancies, which expires the nearest jueves. If Trump is not a hub company this night, millions of people are facing an immediate life crisis.

¿Can you pay the person’s elegant cost of $ 600?

Experts consulted by CNN ensure that the Treasury Department is late at least twice a week enter the money in the bank accounts of the persons.

“This time it will be more difficult, but the IRS will be able to close the money in January,” said Howard Gleckman, a member of the Center for Urban-Brookings Tributary Policy.

[El cheque de estímulo en suspenso mientras Trump vacaciona en Florida]

According to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Monday is the month for the CNBC herman’s issue, ahead of Trump’s negatives, which people call for the right to pay the money in the bank accounts. in question of days.

“La gente va a ver este dinero the principles of the week that comes“, dijo Mnuchin. No queda claro si el retraso de una semana de la firma del paquete retrasará la emission de los pagos o si todavía pueden salir esta semana.

Who receives the most fast money?

Los pagos no salen todos a la vez. Aquellos cuya bank information has been filed with the IRS and is likely to receive the first money because it will be deposited directly into its account. Other receipts for correo checks on paper or prepaid debit cards.

What does the COVID-19 company package provided by Trump include?

  • A check for 600 dollars in direct payments to women who have raised less than $ 75,000 a year.
  • Additional pages by $ 300 example a la semana hasta marzo.
  • Quienes tengan hijos recibirán pagos extra de $ 600 per each of them (must be minor dependents of 17 years).
  • A renovation of the extended keyhole programs by example that will expire this Saturday.
  • Funds for food assistance: 13,000 million in 10,000 for infant care.
  • Financing for companies corpavas by the coronavirus: 300,000 million.
  • Funds for Universities and schools: 82 000 million.
  • Foundations for theaters, independent Chinese and other cultural institutions: 15,000 million.
  • Funds to realize proof of coronavirus and for the distribution of the contra COVID-19: 69,000 million.
  • A fund for a program of Emergency Breathing Assist to the families affected by the pandemic, who will be able to use to pay my future rent, or for related guests: 25,000 million.
  • Other aids included in the package are intended for agricultural subsidies, in addition to a fund of 10,000 million by the Postal Service.

Mixed status families, included

In this opportunity, the check swill include citizens who are housed with undocumented immigrants (which does not have a social security number), approximately 1.2 million individuals who are excluded from the first round of checks of 1,200 dollars.

It is the responsibility of the state authorities to present a tax return together with a person using an individual contributor identification number, including a social security number.

This Monday …

The Chamber of Representatives, led by Democrats, supports big checks and is programmed for vote on the theme of the moon, but it is hoped that it will be ignored by the Senate (as it is known to him), led by the Republicans, as opposed to this medium. For now, the Administration alone can make it work by sending the $ 600 bills.

[“La ayuda es crítica. Necesita ser firmada ahora”: Biden critica a Trump por retrasar el alivio económico por el coronavirus]

The Congress will follow the moon, and it is hoped that the Chamber of Representatives will vote for to cancel Trump’s veto on a defense defense annual project should be approved, addressing the President on another major topic in the last days of the session. It is to be hoped that Senado will say martes.

More information on CNN, AP, CNBC.
