When will you be able to evacuate against the covid-19 children and adolescents?

(CNN) – With over 44 million people fully evacuated against the covid-19 in the United States, many adults have the hope that one more normal life is on the horizon. Now the families are waiting for the vacancies available for teenagers and children.

The vacancies against covid-19 are currently only authorized in United States for adults, except for the vacancy of Pfizer / BioNTech, which is authorized for mayors of 16 years.

If there is indeed the possibility that there is a vacancy available for the minor in secondary school for this age, it is possible that the ninth children are less than months to receive the vacancy when the next school year begins. El dr. Anthony Fauci, director of Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas, made it possible to be the first month 2022.

Without embarrassment, they are initiating attempts. Last week, the first nine were evacuated in the KidCOVE pediatric ward phase 2/3 of Moderna, which included 6 months to 11 years.

Los niños y la vacuna contra el covid-19 1:21

El Dr. Buddy Creech, director of the Vanderbilt University’s Vacancy Investigation Program and investigator at the Moderna Pediatric Hospital, estimates that a vaccine against covid-19 will not be available for 11 years or less until November or December, as well as very soon.

Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna probably tried holidays and personas tan jóvenes como de 12 años. And the experts are confident that the results will be listed in time for the nines of 12 years or older to be ready for the next school year. Creech says the vacant vacancies will be available for children up to a maximum of 12 years or more in July or August.

Johnson and Johnson have announced plans to begin testing their vacancies between 12 and 18 years old, and the executive director of J&J, Alex Gorsky, said – it is my opinion – that the company will probably have a vacancy available for minors from 18 years to September . In February, the University of Oxford announced the launch of the AstraZeneca vaccine for people aged 6 to 17 years. Novavax hopes to see pediatric patients take up their vacancies soon.

But every vaccine should be carefully tested in pediatric populations until sufficient data are generated by the United States Administration of Drugs and Food (FDA) to evaluate whether it is safe and effective.

Hispanos are among the lesser vacancies in EE.UU. 0:40

What does this mean for the school year?

The fathers and masters must be evacuated for this year, but it is probable that many children, especially the minorities of 12 years, will not be there.

The nines have much lesser chances of getting serious or die because of covid-19 that adults, and each has more evidence of that, with adequate precautions, the risk of transmitting the virus in the school is bad.

“Nine hospitals have not yet had a pandemic,” said Creech. “The pandemic has raged in the United States, but more than any other country, and without embarrassment, our hospital hospitals are usually used for boarding adult hospitals.”

The City of Health Experts and Authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at EE.UU. (CDC, by its seals in English), does not enumerate the vacancy of nines as a required preview to learn in person, to increase a degree of protection for students, school staff and their families.

How do pediatric patients work?

Pediatric vaccine vaccines against covid-19 tendrils as the objective determine whether the vaccines can protect the infant nests if they are exposed to the virus. Investigators will try the vacancies in the first and advanced adolescents up to the most young groups, which may require different doses.

“We will start with low doses and advance in the dose until you find the appropriate moment, in which case the sufficiency is vacant to obtain the adequate amount, but without a large amount of secondary effects”, says Creech.

All participants in the initial part of the KidCOVE Modern study received doses of the vacancy rate of 25, 50 or 100 micrograms, in order for the investigators to determine the adequate dose. Luego, the essay will be amplified to include participants who receive a placebo, in a way that can study the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

El Dr. Steve Plimpton, obstetrician-gynecologist and researcher at the KidCOVE studio in Phoenix, Arizona, said the 14-month studio would include planned breaks, checks and song extractions.

Experienced investigators will approve the adulthood in adult trials.

“What we are hoping for, and believe that what we are looking for, can define an amount of anticipation in the torrent sanguinao that is a correlation of the protection we have in our large 30-to-40,000-person high-rise buildings,” he said. Creech.

Investigators are looking for this level of antidote to pediatric participants to ensure that the vaccine is protected.

“In this way we do not have to do studies of 30,000 nines, we can do studies of 5,000 or 10,000 niches in their place”, says Creech.

The use of the vaccine in patients with chronic diseases 2:36

What are the concerns about secondary effects and the security of the vacancy?

“Los niños geen son only adult pequeños”, dijo Creech. “It has an immunological system that looks great on adults, but has a different level of training, it has less viruses and ten health problems”.

Although it is not uncommon for a person of 40 years to experiment with fever and pain in the brain after being vaccinated, these secondary effects can be most difficult to tolerate for a period of 9 months.

“We’re really reflective of the fact that, while we’re launching a vacancy campaign, we’re going to burn the pediatricians — but the most important, to the fathers — an expectant complete of what the patient will have during one of those days after the vacancy.” », Dijo Creech. .

El Dr. Robert Frenck, director of the Cincinnati Hospital’s Hospital Vacancy Research Center and Pfizer’s in-hospital investigator, reviews the “diarrhea diets” that help participants participate.

“The children, if they have sins, have the pain of the head, are poor.” Pueden tener algo de dolorespierd, pero aparte de eso, realmente not mucho más », dijo Frenck. «The majority of the symptoms disappear in one or two days. There are many people who do not have anything ».

Some people who contract covid-19 will try MIS-C, the multisystemic inflammatory syndrome that is rare, but can cause serious illness and some.

“We will observe with special interest to insurers that we are not associated with the vaccine, or in association with the vaccine will be an infection that may develop my despots,” said Creech. “I have no reason to think that I will be alone in the window, but we will be busy.”

The participants will also be monitored to detect eruptions, fever, fatigue and other health problems.

The clinical examinations of the vaccine against the covid-19 were supervised by a Junta de Monitoreo de Datos y Seguridad (DSMB, by its seals in English), composed by Independent experts who have access to the dates of the examiners and can recommend them that the studies are detengan if there are security issues.

La Dra. Kathryn Edwards is the Scientific Director of the Vanderbilt University Vacancy Investigation Program and a member of the DSMB for a vacancy against covid-19 that is being tested in nines.

“If the nurses are nurses, the investigators will be able to see if there is any possibility that the nurses are related to the vaccine,” said Edwards. “Have a meticulous attention to security issues.”

How can the children participate in the trials?

Plimpton said he had seen an enthusiastic response to the participants’ call center for the KidCOVE Moderna studio, which as an enrollment has 6,750 participants in the United States and Canada.

“It’s so much that the fathers are salutary and are willing to help themselves and explain it to their husbands,” said Plimpton. “Modern Day, which is likely to receive 6,750 patients here in Phoenix, and has 75 locations in the United States and Canada.”

Plimpton signaled that the entity does not have specific demographic requirements, but the answer is diverse and the sites of the entity are divided by all countries to include a wide range of participants.

“In his mayor’s part, we are receiving all,” he said. “It’s suedei porque todos los padres quieren proteger a sus hijos”.

Rachel Guthrie, a part-time nurse in Phoenix, Arizona, writes a 3-year-old and a 2-year-old in the Moderna ensay. If he wants to protect his heights from any exhibition he finds and he wants his he has some degree of protection when he wants to go to pre-school. There are lists to receive your first injections this week.

“Approve the opportunity because I hate them for this protection,” he said. “To obtain the approval of this vacancy for children, only if you have the right to a step forward”.

The investigators hope that the nines are not the only ones who benefit from the tests.

“We also want the study to show other demographic groups the ability to evacuate. ‘Oye, this is the best six months resibió la vacuna. For what, 25 years, have you had any? ‘», Dijo Plimpton.
