When will the worldwide shortage of chips end so you can finally buy a PS5?

There are not enough slides to go around. The continuing global shortage of semiconductors means that the difficulty of buying a PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X or high-end GPU from companies such as Nvidia or AMD could continue for months – even if not for the rest of 2021.

And it’s not just game equipment: car companies such as Ford and GM are experiencing problems with their truck production, Apple supplier Foxconn warns of partial delays that could last until 2022, 5G rollout is delayed and Samsung warns of a ‘serious imbalance In the semiconductor industry.

There are many reasons why this shortage is striking now: expired delays from COVID-19’s shutdown of factories last year, an increase in demand from customers who are sitting at home during the pandemic and want new laptops, along with more political issues like former President Trump’s trade war with China.

But the issues lie even deeper than that: it is not that there are not enough chips, as much as there are not enough chips. ‘In the year 2000, we had thirty companies that made their own integrated circuits. Then they discovered that it was cheaper to outsource, ”explains UCLA professor Christopher Tang in an interview with The edge.

As the demand for products – and the increasingly computerized nature of even more everyday products such as cars or smart home accessories – increased, there was never a need for chips anymore. But at the same time, the industry has shrunk in recent decades as many technology companies, and even chipmakers like AMD, have switched to a fabulous model where they outsource the actual manufacturing to other companies (like Samsung or TSMC).

Solution this however, a shortage of chips will probably only be a matter of time: eventually demand will stop exceeding the limited supply, and things will have to go back to normal (and you can just buy a PlayStation without jumping through online hoops and endless digital ropes).

But avoiding future shortages is likely to require major changes to the way the industry largely contains semiconductors to reflect our increasingly digital world. Some of it we already see: TSMC has announced plans to invest $ 100 billion over the next three years to increase its ability to meet the growing demand. And Intel plans to spend $ 20 billion on expanding its Arizona plant, as well as opening its doors to make chips for other companies (similar to how TSMC and Samsung already work) and a new major supplier to the add market.

But these changes will take time and a commitment from the industry to build a healthier supply chain over the next few years and decades. And very few will probably make it easier to buy that hard-to-find gadget in the next few months. But these changes could eventually make a hypothetical PlayStation 6 or Xbox sequel easier.
