When was Rodrigo Mejía? The actor who died 45 years ago and recorded telenovelas aunts | Famous

The Mexican actor Rodrigo Mejía murió this month of february to los 45 years ago, festig die die la National Association of Interpreters (ANDI) of the Aztec country, caused by covid-19 and today has a large number of papers in popular telenovelas that he has many that he has sobresalted to see in the photo with the notice of bankruptcy.

Rodrigo has formed part of the fleet of many people through his work, although his number never queries the popularity of other giants in the sector with the number of compartments, many of which are at the moment.

Make sure the list of titles refreshes the memory.

Las series by Rodrigo Mejía

  • “Management Z”: Netflix series (2020) and protagonist by Ana Becerril, Michael Ronda and Zión Moreno donde Rodrigo was Rodrigo’s last star and interpreted by Natalia’s dad, a character played by Macarena García.
  • ‘Lo Imperdonable’ (2015): Iván Sánchez, Grettel Valdez y Ana Brenda Contreras encabezaron de reparto de esta novela cargada de venganza en la que Rodrigo hizo el papé de Nicolás.
  • ‘Covered with the Angel’ (2008): William Levy and Maite Perroni live an impossible love in this tram while Rodrigo lives in Nelson.
  • ‘Fuego en la Sangre’ (2008): Adelan Noriega, Eduardo Yáñez y Jorge Salinas protagonizaron esta historia sobre tres hermanos, amor y rencor. Rodrigo was Benito Uribe in the novel that also starred Ninel Conde in the stellar show.
  • ‘Mundo de Fieras’ (2007): Edith González, Sebastián Rulli, César Évora, Ernesto Laguardia, Gaby Espino in much more form the elco of this story, a ‘remake’ of ‘Pasión y Poder’, about two very different friends and you end up enfrentados. Rodrigo hizo the papel of Rogelio Cervantes.

Rodrigo also participated in productions such as ‘Tres Familias’ (2017), ‘Una Maid in Manhattan’ (2011), ‘La Rosa de Guadalupe’ (2010) and ‘Soñar no Cuesta Nada’ (2005), among more than 20 titles componen su historiese arbeid.

