WhatsApp | San Valentín 2021 | best phrases to send on February 14th | Valentine’s Day | Posts | Smartphone | Cellular | Applications | Program | United States | Spain | Mexico | NNDA | NNNI | DATA

WhatsApp there will be one of the platforms that will be available on February 14th, from San Valentín o Día del Amor y la Amistad. Travels of it are exchanging millions of messages dedicated to being coveted, but only once in a while no one can share physically with their peers or friends. We will ensure that we cause a suspicion when the lean.

The 14th of February is a traditional celebration of the Anglican lands that have become more and more popular during the XX period since its existence during the Roman Empire, in terms of extending the world and mantra vigil until today.

MORE INFORMATION: How to know how to keep track of your WhatsApp contacts

But only if you do not have one “Happy Valentine’s Day” o “Happy Day of Love”, accompanied by a video or parody WhatsApp, we will send some messages to the sender and to the person who sent us the message.

If you have any ideas for deciating how much you love this person, please use one of these phrases for WhatsApp.  (Photo: MAG)
If you have any ideas for deciating how much you love this person, please use one of these phrases for WhatsApp. (Photo: MAG)

If you have ideas, you can use them, you can use one of these phrases and words to serve you. But only if it can be mandated to your partner, we also have this important friend, as the accounts of all things and always are all in the good and the bad.


If you are accustomed to receiving the same text message all the years with the famous phrase that “We will stay until the eternity”, here we put a series of scripts the puels can mandate to your pair.

One of the examples is “Love is a word that means a lot, but not the meaning of what you know. Happy Day of the Enamored! ”. Aseguramos que con esta oracyón, tu renan media te responsa con bastante alegría.

This is one of the phrases that, sure, will be shared on WhatsApp for the other person to suspect.  (Photo: MAG)
This is one of the phrases that, sure, will be shared on WhatsApp for the other person to suspect. (Photo: MAG)
This is one of the best phrases that may be sent on February 14th.  (Photo: MAG)
This is one of the best phrases to send you on February 14th. (Photo: MAG)

We also encounter phrases like: “The two rooms: our rooms, our giants, our stores… I love you for being special, more great and more profound every year. I love you! Happy Day of the Enamored! ”.

If you are not inspired, then this little phrase will help you a lot.  (Photo: MAG)
If you are not inspired, then this little phrase will help you a lot. (Photo: MAG)

Make sure one of them detracts from the correspondence of the correspondent. Recuerda también usar los diversos stickers que hay en WhatsApp to be able to decorate your love message, including various applications to create personalized pegs you can use different phrases to send messages in apps like “The temptations you have come up with” o “I saw this movie, and my favorite part is the one we own”.
