WhatsApp publishes what changes to the new privacy policies – Programs – Technology

In the midst of all the news that has generated WhatsApp’s announcement about the entry into force of the privacy policies, the company decided to set up an apartment explaining in detail what it was that was going to change in the next few months.

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In principle, the platform is scheduled to enter into force on February 8, but it will be decided to close the window within three months with the end of which people will be calming down.

For this reason, the company decision specifying its new functions for companies and how it will be impacted on privacy policies.

In a first place, WhatsApp recently revealed that the cams “do not affect personal messages” and that they follow with the extreme number, which only means that only users have access to them.

(Also: What does the WhatsApp privacy policy implication entail?)

“The exchanges are related to the optional functions for WhatsApp companies and burn a mayor transparency with respect to the form in which we retrieve and use the data”, the application stated.


WhatsApp has revealed that the cams “do not affect personal messages”.

What a change

The company maintains on Facebook signal that currently 175 million people are communicating with company accounts or businesses, so these exchanges are directed to the new features that will drive WhatsApp commerce.

In this, the app signals, simplifies the form in which users can contact the companies.

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‘With the end of responding to its customers, some companies need necessary web hosting services that Facebook has planned to offer. When a company uses this service, we indicate clear form in the chat so that you can decide whether to chat with it or not, ”he explained.

I like it, the platform mentions the vinculation that tends the dates of this type between the other Facebook and WhatsApp companies.

“Frequently, people are discovering companies on Facebook or Instagram to share announcements that include a button that can be clicked to send a message on WhatsApp. Al egual que con otros annunios op Facebook, if you choose to click on them, this information can be used to personalize the ads you see on Facebook ”, points out the platform.

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Ultimately, WhatsApp will indicate the experience of buying inside the application, in particular with trends that are on Facebook and Instagram.

“Business companies with trends on Facebook or Instagram can also share the trend on their WhatsApp business profile. It is allowed to see the products of a company on Facebook and Instagram and make the direct purchase on WhatsApp. If eligates interact with the tithes, to inform us on WhatsApp how to share your dates with Facebook”, Point out the company.

It is interesting to know in detail the changes that will be made here by the politicians involved.

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