WhatsApp publishes huge press releases in periodicals to explain its new policies of us and Red the task of being “assisted”

On social media, they will be surprised by WhatsApp’s decision to use print media. The strategy has been interpreted as a signal of preoccupation with the loss of confidence in its users.

The preoccupation with women has WhatsApp lying about announcing that it shares data with Facebook, which it does not use the user, has led to the popular messaging platform taking empty media to reach out to the public that its new politicians do not give up privacy of nadie.

Follow the news channel indio NDTV, WhatsApp published this week a complete page notice in the impressive edition of important diary entries of the country. Although the title ‘WhatsApp respects and protects its privacy’, the company enumerates the news of its terms and results in it being preserved.

“We want to make it clear that the policy update does not affect any way of privacy of his messages with friends or relatives. In its place, this update includes exchanges related to the messaging of a company on WhatsApp, which is optional, and proposes a mayor transparency regarding the form in which we recover and use the data “, punctuate the text.

“The privacy policy is coded in our ADN”, resulting from the application.

This review is very similar to the one posted on WhatsApp this March on social media, and another intention to address the controversy surrounding its new terms. In its publication, the company agrees that neither the application nor its company matrix, Facebook, can provide messages or listen to users between and tampoco shared contact lists or group dates boet publitarios.

“WhatsApp is offline”

Social media users will be surprised by WhatsApp’s decision to announce and print media. The strategy has been interpreted as signal of preoccupation of the platform by not losing the trust of its users. “WhatsApp is offline”, opinion of Twitter.

Other user of this red social to ask: “Why is there a ‘free’ restaurant service like this to keep users away? ‘. Asimismo, another person ironically finds that a digital company that wants to generate trust in social networks acuda to the press: “When people want to ‘trust’ me and we do not use social media, like WhatsApp … [y para eso] usas los medios impresos “.

What data about us will get the most popular messaging services

The messenger giant has enjoyed an incomparable surge in India for years. The country is one of its largest markets at the global level, with the presence of 400 million users, according to The Times of India. In addition, the Asian country is the second largest telecommunications market in the world and the mayor consumes data, the Hindustan Times reported.

Last week, millions of WhatsApp users started receiving a notice for the acceptance of the new terms and conditions before the 8th of February and would like to continue using the application. The updated policy is well visited by all its users and may indicate the potential exodus of many of them to other similar platforms.

Although this is the subject of controversy and preoccupation, the popularity of services such as Signal and Telegram, which has an emphasis on privacy and security, has completely disappeared. In respect, Pavel Dúrov, co-founder of Telegram, assured that “it is not strange that it has accelerated the skin of users” of WhatsApp on its platform, which has been converted into the second most downloaded application in EE.UU. in the middle of this controversy over freedom and censorship in the Red.

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