What will happen when Isabel II dies?

This Friday, April 9, the fall of Felipe de Edimburgo, the wife of Reina Isabel II. The queen has 92 years, there are 67 years in the throne and the monarch lives the longest of the world.

Isabel II is an emblematic character, all the miracles have always been about her and she has produced numerous audiovisual productions about her life. The success of the series “The Crown” is its masterpiece. Therefore, the day that will surely create a great impact. And at Buckingham Palace there are all sorts of things organized and prepared for this occasion, as far as Isabel’s property is concerned with the details.

What will happen when Isabel II dies

Has 12 days of national lottery in the United Kingdom. Without confirmation, it is believed that his body will be in Westminster Hall until the funeral for the people to present their condolences. There are media banners in the United Kingdom, in the rest of the world and embassy leaflets of condolences.

The funerary service will be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury and will be located in San Pablo Cathedral or Westminster Abbey. It is created that, finally, its remains descend on the capillary of San Jorge, in the castle of Windsor.

The BBC will suspend all programming and provide detailed coverage. If all programs with comedy content are eliminated, after the funeral.

For supuesto, the principle Carlos assumes the throne and is supondrá varies cambios. The national anthem cambiará el God save the Queen by God save the King y también se emitirá nueva moneda nacional con su imagen.
