What will happen to the 1.9 trillion dollars from Joe Biden’s plan to reactivate the economy ahead of the pandemic

Joe Biden announces this week the desperate rescue plan (Reuters)
Joe Biden’s plan to save the esperado (Reuters)

President Joe Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion dollar economic estimate plan is triggering long-term effects in society now that the country has managed to overcome a pandemic that has killed more than a million people in the United States.

The gigantic project of the Senate approved on Saturday proposes direct payments to the stadiums, amplifies the performance by example and burns a huge infusion of funds to the states and local governors, as well as to the schools for air. Additions to fund allocations for priorities such as coronavirus testing and vacancy distribution. And it offers an ambitious program of poverty against poverty, which offers important benefits to people with severe disabilities.

In continuation, we present a guide to what includes the plan, which is expected to be subject to the final approval of the Chamber of Deputies on March and which will be sent to Biden for ratification by his company.

The bill of proportion will carry checks estimated at $ 1,400.

The persons who pay less than $ 75,000 and the matrimony who pay less than $ 150,000 receive direct payments of $ 1,400 per person. The project also has a budget of 1400 dollars per dependent.

The pages are reduced by a small amount to the level of the first and lowest levels to complete a single limit: $ 80,000 for individuals and $ 160,000 for matrimonial property.


These maximum amounts have been reduced with respect to the version of the Representative Chamber of Estimates, which states the limits of $ 100,000 for individuals and $ 200,000 for caseworkers.

If the actual increase of $ 300 per week increases in performance by example.

The project outlines the sample programs of the September principles, including the federal supplement of $ 300 weekly provided in the latest plan approved in December.

Biden has proposed to increase its supplementary performance to $ 400 weekly, which the Board of Representatives accepts, but the Senate will pay $ 300 weekly.

The monthly reports of solicitation of subsidies for example are maintained at record levels since the beginning of the pandemic (Reuters)
The monthly reports of solicitation of subsidies for example are maintained at record levels since the beginning of the pandemic (Reuters)

The Senado’s project also includes a provision claiming to avoid surprise tax invoices for the persons who lose their jobs, with the exception of federal taxes on the rent of the first 10,200 dollars in benefits received by 2020 in receipts. which is less than $ 150,000.

The tax credit for it is more generous, among other benefits.

For 2021, the temporary tax bill will increase the tax credit for it, which at present is up to 2000 dollars for it less than 17 years. According to the legislation, the tax credit can increase to 3600 dollars for the minorities up to 5 years and the 3000 dollars for the minor ones oscillating between 6 and 17 years.

The project weighs the total value of the loan at the disposal of the people of great interest who at the moment do not have the right to receive or only receive a share. And for the second semester of this year, the federal government will send loans anticipating loans to periodic mortgages, as well as a guaranteed rent for families with them.

The legislation will also increase the tax credit for the benefit of dependents and dependents for the year 2021 and expand the tax credit on the income tax on the employees and their debts also for this year. Hasta 2025, eximiría del impuesto sober la renta la condonación de los prestamos student.

Resources are destined to combat the pandemic and help the states, local governments and schools.

The project of its proportionate funds for the distribution of vacancies, as well as for the coronavirus tests, the contact screen and the genomic sequencing. Also, donate money to the Federal Agency for the Manejo de Emergencias.

Proportion of 350,000 million dollars to the states, local governors, territories and tribal governors and including 130,000 million dollars for the schools. It also provides funding for colleges and universities, transit agencies, living assistance, providers of childcare and food assistance services.

Testing Center in Houston, Texas (Reuters)
Testing Center in Houston, Texas (Reuters)

In addition, the project will provide funds to help businesses, including restaurants and spectacle venues, and include a budget for multi-purpose pension plans that have financial problems.

La Ley de Atención Médica Gevolglik recibiría un impulso.

The project will increase the provision of subsidies for the people who will purchase medical supplies through the markets of the Ley de Atención Médica Asequible. The future will reach miles of millions of dollars in public health programs and medical attention for veterans.

También busca ayudar a quienes han perdido sus empeos a manterer cobertura de seguro médico que tenían a travéd de su épleador, al cubrir el costo de las primas a travé de un program federal llamado Ley Ómnibus Consolidada de Reconciliaci en CO ) until September.

Missing one thing: an increase in the minimum wage.

As part of the estimate, Biden wants to increase the federal minimum wage, which is $ 7.25 per hour, to $ 15 per hour.

The draft law approved by the House of Representatives will increase the salary to $ 15 by 2025, according to the Senate parliament, which has violaba the stricter rules that Senate Democrats have to work to get approved of a special process that protects the filibusterism and allows its approval only with the democratic support. The viernes se sometió a votation en el Senado la posibilidad de volver zu incluer salarialum aum en projet de ley.

Senado’s project also eliminates funding for a Silicon Valley railroad project in northern California, and a bridge between the north of New York and Canada, including provisions that include the Camera project. of Representatives and who will address the criticisms of the Republicans.

© The New York Times
