What will Bukele do after winning El Salvador elections | News Univision América Latina

The president’s party will run the qualified mayor, 56 of the 84 deputies, who will be allowed to hold constitutional guarantees without the support of the other parties. To the majority of the congress some analysts say that Bukele’s governor is authoritarian.

“It is clear that he obtained the power in a democratic elections and has much power but it is not a problem, the problem is how to own this power. If so, if you can ten the Mayor bushes consensus, dialogue, listen to the opposition and be built on the part of the country is not bad, but I have to say that it is not going to succeed. In this year and in the middle of the presidency of Bukele lo hem hem visto es autoritarismo ”, dice Arnau Baulenas, abogado of the Institute of Human Rights of the Central American University (IDHUCA).

New Ideas, the official party, does not need the political opposition to approve, a Bukele party opposed to the current Legislative Assembly, which has refused to block its governing programs. In February 2020, before the negative of the deputies to approve the financing for a security plan, Bukele and Fuerza Armada invade the Salon Azul, it will hold the session of the deputies. Ahora, it’s not a problem, but porque en su partido no hay questions criticizing decisions.

With the Legislature, Bukele will also be able to promote controversial issues such as the nationalization of the pension system or reforms of the Ley de Integration Monetary to reverse the dollarization. The results of the elections he gave to the traditional parties in the political irrelevance.

“To all those who do not benefit from the Salvadoran people, I have not seen my vote. Opportunity is for the governing body if we vote for them or not for the sake of interest, ”said Reynaldo Cardoza, a member of the National Counseling Party (PCN), a party that has won many votes.

Bukele took over the governorate in June 2019, and a year and a half have passed since the Legislative Assembly took control. And in the next months, the President could extend its control over the Judicial Organ because the deputies of his party should elect the new fiscal general of the Republic and the five new magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Baulen’s theme that the election of the new functionaries in politics is without taking into account the capacity and identity of women will be numbered. “It simply came to our notice then. And it’s going to be a nightmare that he and I have Arena and the FMLN during all this time ”, dobbeltsteen.

Temor to authoritarianism

Bukele’s governor is characterized by confrontation with the Legislative Assembly, by use the Fuerza Armada with political finesse and by not filling it with sentences from the Hall of the Constitution. And now he has won the majority of deputies, civil society organizations that the president wants to control the Judicial Organ for, among other things, allow his re-election in 2024, algo que la Constitución prohíbe.

“What I mean is that now the Assembly will simply be the executor of the wills and decisions of the president and it will be configured as a power of the State. It’s my concern because we’re agrarian a more authoritative derivative, ”Baulene doubled.

“What I love most is the theme of governance and the distribution of employees,” said Eduardo Escobar, Executive Director of Action Ciudadana. One of the possible scenarios, dice Escobar, is that the new tax responds to the interests of the governor and that it can be used for the particular part of the Constitutional Hall.

“As the president as the political orbiter of el, he was saying that the magistrates were committing crimes. They can perfectly use the power of the general tax authorities to petition against them in the Legislative Assembly to the effect that they are judged ”.

The possible exchange of a Room of the Constitutional Office opens the gates, for example, to allow the President’s election. “We will see what happens in Nicaragua and Honduras, Daniel Ortega and Juan Orlando Hernández will present demands against the Constitution and allow them to compete in the election. Suenan surrealist scenes, but he hicieron. This scenario is the most probable one that has been sent to the Constitutional Chamber and that this type of argument is intended for the election ”.

Cardoza’s deputy states that there is a political persecution against the opposition. “I have been concerned for some time with the activity of some officials who have this majority. Geen creo que han han dado poder par hacer lo que quieran. Si a mí no me cae bien alguien y solo por eso le voy a querer echar el trailer, eso no sería correct. If you need tener harmony, feel free ”.

Nuevas Ideas tendrá la Mayoría qualificada, suficiente para destituir a funcionarios. “Everything is possible because there are 56 votes only for them, so it is preoccupying and it can be that you can have some kind of revenge. Now that it’s not right, there’s a trial for everything and it’s credited that President Nayib Bukele is beginning to seek to atone for institutionalism, the democratic system of the country. Yo nee apoyaría jamás. All have their time and therefore the magistrates choose one or three years. It’s like the fiscal of the Republic that will end its three years, ”Dollesteen Cardoza.

