What will be on Netflix this week? February 27 and 28

Mexico City /

Please try to find a catalog that is being reviewed every month, on occasion to choose what to see on Netflix transforms into a laborious field, with the end of ahorrarte a busha larga, te hacemos the following recommendations.

Bajo cero

The Spanish film comes flying to the world level, because it has brought joy to Contratiempo, Hogar and the Hoyo, because now there is this new thriller directed by Lluís Quílez, where she will show the traslado de unos presos in a blinded van get drunk on a pesadilla start the attack that produces an anonymous man.

Loco por ella

For lovers of romantic comedies you can find in another Spanish production, the story that buscan. In this opportunity, a periodical would have all the necessity to conquer the woman of her sleep, yet to lie that she discovers that is a patient of a mental institution, because it is depressive mania.


The deportation documents are converted into one of the favorite products of the Netflix users, where they are discussed as part of Diego Armando Maradona’s live with Michael Jordan, as now Rey’s turn, the screen is abridged to reveal details as little as known, as the era in which odiaba ser Pelé because he wanted to use his image with political finesse.

Tribus Europeas

The creators of Dark regressan with a new series of post-apocalyptic, the master shows a European region disuelta in 2029 and what happens to the richest zones of the world in a world where poverty is the reality that lies at home and that obliges poachers to do everything in their power to live.

Invasion on the heights

The anime is one of the main features of the streaming platform that is now available with this new production (Tenku Shinoan). The story centers on Yuri, a young man who appears in an azotea and is of the opinion that he can not bear, only he has the possibility of changing to the other part of other editions, the problem is that no one is alone, sino que hay más personas cuyo unic objective es matar.
