What we know about plitidepsin, the medicine that produces 99% of the SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the pulmon

The magazine Science published the results of the experiments in the laboratory of the plitidepsina, a pharmacy antiviral product developed by the Spanish company PharmaMar with the demonstration of a reduction of 99 per cent viral cargoes del EARS-CoV-2 In the pulmon of the treated animals.

What we know about plitidepsina

© SinEmbargo
What we know about plitidepsina

The article describes the results of the preclinical investigation, but the company is involved in the development of clinical trials: PharmaMar is negotiating with different organisms that regulate the initiation of the Phase III studies.


It’s a company comp. PharmaMar -su commercial number is Aplidin- approved by the Australian regulatory agency for multiple mycological treatment, which is currently under investigation, in all United States and French laboratories, against the SARS-CoV-2, CO Coronavirus 19.

If it is the initiation of a marine organism, the ascidia Aplidium albicans, which is found in a Bahia of the Balearic Islands (all the companies in this company are of marine origin). In fact, it is obtained by synthesis in a laboratory.


La plitidepsina acts to block the eEF1A protein, present in human cells, and is used by SARS-CoV-2 to reproduce and infect other cells.


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The article that appears in this publication is the fruit of the collaboration between PharmaMar and the laboratories of Kris White, Adolfo García-Sastre and Thomas Zwaka, at the Icahn School of Medicine (New York); by Kevan Shokat and Nevan Krogan, at the Institute of Quantitative Life Sciences of the University of California San Francisco, and Marco Vignuzzi at the Instituto Pasteur de Paris.

It was noted that “in vitro” plitidepsin demonstrated an antiviral potency, in comparison with other antiviral agents against SARS-CoV-2, with a limited toxicity. In different animal models of infection by SARS-CoV-2, the test demonstrates the reduction of viral replication, which results in a reduction of 99 percent in viral cargoes in the pulmonary of these animals.

This investigation demonstrates that the compound has “extraordinary activity” related to SARS-CoV-2, signaled to EFE Television Pablo Avilés, Head of the PharmaMar Preclinical Investigation Department and Labor Author.

The hypothesis that this pharmacy -approved only in Australia- for a tumor type can serve to treat the actual coronavirus “has been confirmed sequentially through experiments”, aggregates Avilés. Median studies in vitro and also in animal models.


Yes, Phase II of clinical trials has been carried out (these consist of three more stages of an application review only when the pharmacy approves the regulatory agencies and is in the market). In October, the company published in a press release the results, ensuring that the ensemble had the objective primary security and secondary effect.

“This clinical trial was terminated and informed,” explained Avilés, who agreed that he had shown that the security of the treatment was very good, that it was the primary objective. As a secondary objective, it was noted that its activity is related to SARS-CoV-2 ″.


Biotechnology is “in very strong collaboration” with the sanitary authorities of Spain in Great Britain fundamentally. The objective, culminating “the possible antics” is the design of the next phase of investigation, Phase III of clinical trials, with a mayor number of patients.

The expectations of the pharmacist son “extraordinary”, hervat Avilés, for which the pandemic has to get rid of the multiple perspectives, of the vacancies and antivirals, which refuse to eradicate the virus. “Plitidepsina has acumen possibilities for this function with success”.
