what we know about Kim Potter, the agent he killed

(CNN) – The fatal tiroteo of a black man 20 years ago by number Daunte Wright by a white police agent in the Minneapolis area has provoked protests and confrontations with the Order’s forces.

Wright Daunte made a bluff at Agent Kim Potter during a routine traffic stop at Brooklyn Center, suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota, according to police.

The fatal tiroteo and the obituary demonstrations took place 16 kilometers from the Minneapolis Tribunal’s hall where police officer Derek Chauvin was judged on George Floyd’s death this year.

The Domingo fled at least the third high-profile death of a black man during a meeting with the Minneapolis police in the last five years, following Philando Castile’s tiroteo at Falcon Heights in 2016 and the death of George Floyd of Minneapolis in Mayo del año pasado.

This is what we know about police officer Kim Potter.

Kim Potter Daunte Wright

Agent Kim Potter presented his verdict after the fatal tiroteo.

Exjefe: El tiroteo a Daunte Wright fue by accident

The city police chief, Tim Gannon, who presented his martyrdom on Tuesday, said that one of the images of the corporate chamber that divulges the moon thinks that the tiroteo was accidentally killed and that the actions of the agent antes of tiroteo eran consistent with the training of the department in relation to the use of electronic pistols, known in the United States as Taser.

Gannon said that “the agent had the intention to send his Taser, but in exchange for Sr. Wright with a sola bala ». The fatal tiroteo appears to be “a random accident”, dijo.

Kim Potter is a veteran with 26 years in the police

Kim Potter, 48, has been a member of the Brooklyn Center Police Department for 26 years, following the Minnesota Criminal Apprenticeship Office (BCA). Since 1995, the agreement has been with the Star Tribune of Minneapolis.

As president of the 2019 Police Union, he has been on the department’s negotiating team working as a camp capacity agent, stel Star Tribune in knowledge.

Fue puesta in administrative license after the tiroteo del domingo.

The BCA states that additional staff information will not be published following the state of the investigation during the investigation.

The information from a fiscal company that it was not the first time that Kim Potter was involved in a case in which a police agent rescued some person. In 2019, the local police fired at a man who allegedly stabbed him with a machete and a martyr. The use of fatal force by the police in this incident is declared legal, according to the information.

In agreement with the policies of the Brooklyn Center Police Department, Potter, who is not present at the moment of this incident, he instructed the agents involved to be involved in various police vehicles, to keep corporate chambers and to deal with them. .

Potter has not been charged with any offense in this case.

Estallan protests over Daunte Wright’s death 1:14

Presented a card of renunciation

Brooklyn Center spokesman Mike Elliott told CNN on Tuesday that Kim Potter presented a meeting card from the Brooklyn Center Police Department.

In a note sent to Elliott, Reggie Edwards’ interim municipal administrator, and Gannon’s chief police officer, Potter wrote that “I took a minute to become a police agent and served this community the best.”

Elliott dijo el martes que Gannon también había renunciado.

Commander Tony Gruenig will be the intern, dijo the alkalde.

Elliott says Potter decided to sue the police department.

«Geen le pedimos que renunciara nie. It’s a decision made by Tomo Ella, ‘he said.

March at a Elliott press conference, the people in the hall expressed their concern that Potter would resign and not be fired. Alcalde says that “he did not accept his resignation” and that his office continues to review the matter.

“We are following our internal process to ensure that we are responsible for the steps we take,” Elliott said of the periodicals.

Potter’s attorney also represents an agent in Floyd’s case

Washington’s taxman, Pete Orput, told CNN that he would “hope” to make a decision with respect to Kim Potter in Daunte Wright’s fatal tirade for these high schools.

Earl Gray, an abogado assignment in St. Paul, is a CNN who represents a potter.

Gray is also the lawyer of Thomas Lane, one of the four agents involved in Floyd’s death who is carrying criminal charges. Also defending defender Jeronimo Yáñez, St. Anthony, Minnesota, who declared homicide guilty in second degree by Castile’s fatal tiroteo.

The moonlight at night, Gray dijo has no more comments on the domino of the domingo.
